I've been thinking a lot about relationships and friends this year. The topic with my kids come up a lot and I guess the older I get the more I really appreciate the people who are friends of mine. It hard to teach you children how to be good friends but I always stress to them how important friendship is because I love all my friends so much and once I've bonded with someone, I don't tend to forget them.
I have a great "crew", if you want to call them that of a support system. Weather they are friends from my school years, friends from college or the relationships I've made in my adulthood..girlfriends, motherhood, pottery/art friends ect., they are a great bunch. The best thing, as most people know about friends is laughter. I love anyone who is silly and can make me laugh. Last weekend at Blowing Rock two of my old pals from my years living in Raleigh came up to help me with the show. Needless to say they had no idea what all goes into setting-up/breaking-down, and they had lots to say about that in the form of jokes and such. I knew having them in the booth "promoting" my work would also bring about lots of silliness, which it did. I'm sure some of my customers did not know what to make of our banter and jokes but it made the day fly by.
Laurel, my friend on the left is one of my best friends and no matter what the situation, the two of us can find humor in it and each other. Laurel and I one time went on a trip to Paris together and I don't think I have ever laughed so hard and I still laugh to myself thinking about the trip. We have had many halarious moments in our years together and she is very important to me.

Anyways, here are my final photo's of the Blowing Rock show and segway back into the "Friend" topic, here is a photo of my morning meal with a mug by
Jeff Martin. I think its great how I've met so many blog friends doing this for the last ( is it) 4 years? Jeff is, or was, a fellow blogger and I use to enjoy reading about his daughter and art adventures. He has an interesting way of viewing his world. He came driving up to the show last week and sold off all his mugs and cups to fund a trip he's taking in a few weeks. He seems like a guy full of life and I enjoyed meeting him. We traded mugs, talked a bit and I felt like, since I've read his blog that I've known him for awhile. Funny how that work here on the web.

Today I'll be delivering some pots and I'm still cleaning the studio. I'm hoping this weekend I'll be throwing a bit. I'll let you know!