...and we're off

Quick check-in..
Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
Do as I say...

Work for the day..

Cheap Thrills!

Neko Case

( This is Ron and Sara by the way....aren't they cute!)


CDC Information


...and finally, Joey has taken to snatching the camera and ambushing me at what seems to be the most unflattering times. Which in a way is funny...well amazing to him. He fallows me around saying " Smile..you look fine?" Usually I'm running out the door or working sort of in a state of panic or stress. Yesterday I was just kind of tired and ready for a break. I was thinking around the Christmas season we all get this way. Lots to take care of and do to get ready for the endless amount of show we all sign up for.
Today Mckenna went back to the doctors. We are on day 8 of the H1n1. Her flu has turned into the croup and of course we needed to take care of that before it goes further down into her lungs. I was a little stressed out about more days of this illness but than I just realized that its not worth the worry and I just do what I can do. Maybe less dishes will get done, or we'll be having some cereal a few nights for dinner but it will all be Ok. It always is and since she has requested Christmas music to listen to today while she draws, everything seems to be going quite nicely...just rolling along.
Ah yes...some photo's

I'm Here!
Show Post-poned

And the flu goes on....

I may be a bit absent from the blogging this week but you never know....I did take a nice photo of some pitchers I finished up this weekend. Maybe in the morning, I'll down load them and share!
Worked on pitchers, bowls and some oval serving boats below. I even got a bisque kiln loaded. Tomorrow I'll add some handles and finish the boats. Next on the list are olive dishes, cream and sugars and maybe the start of some flower blocks. On Tuesday I will need to start the glazing stage so I can be ready for the home sale I"m doing in Charlotte next weekend. Hope the computer doesn't call me away this week from all my studio work!
New Location

Here is Amy Sanders and myself....and kids in toe. That is Amy little boy Guthrie and my two below. Looks like Amy and I are in a pretty heavy conversation about babies, motherhood and pots I'm sure.
Exhausting day....
I've realized over the last two years that emails can really be upsetting if not written correctly. This issue has been played out a lot in my life lately. You always hear something different than what is really being written. I wonder what kind of effect this is going on have on our younger generations who only know the Internet as a form of communication? HUUUUUUMMMMMM
At any rate, I did get some work done in the studio today. Soup bowls, tumblers and I stated to stain some of my pieces for the bisque kiln. I'm hoping tomorrow that everything with my students will have died down and I can get some uninterrupted time being creative. We'll see!
In the process of...

Goblins a foot!

Quaid went as a Star Wars "wookie" with red glowing eyes....I of course could not resist the devil horns this year!
I just got in from finishing up spriging a bunch of stuff.....What a weekend and most of it I"m thankful to report was spent in my studio with NPR, Noah Jones, Cold play and a host of other great musical artists.
Aydan...my little turtle.

Mckenna, the princess vampire!