I remembered today that some folks had some questions about sprigs and the drawing I do on my pots so I thought I'd just answer them for everyone.
Springs - I do make my own molds and I do press the clay into the molds as well as using slip for some of my sprigs. They are scored on both sides and applied while the pots are leather hard. I
know someone asked me this a while back and I just never got the post answer back to them....
My drawings are incised in the leather hard clay as well. I use to do a lot of brush work but after taking a workshop with
Julia Galloway, cutting into my surface with different tools was just so much fun, I've never gone back to a brush. But....never say never, right?

I was telling the my girls yesterday how much I use to LOVE Valentines Day as a kid. I would keep all my Valentines in an old candy box. Valentines today are so commercial. Why can't they just make these old sort of generic Valentines? Do you remember how the box came with an assortment and you had to pick and choose who got the big heart with the kitty-cat holding the pink bow, or the little boy and girl kissing? Quaid said he'd rather just have his Transformer Valentines and leave it at that. Spoken like a true 9 year old boy!
I went to great lengths this year to get the kids all Valentines with NO commercially advertised figures on them. It was hard, but we did manage end up with paper airplane valentines, flower seed ones and recycled paper book marks! Score...feels so good to have some control over what this crazy, media driven world. Mom's and Dad have a tuff time these days trying to keep everyone safe from words, music and images. The older my kids get the more questions we have coming at us in all sorts of directions that just make me want to change the topic REALLY FAST!
Ok, that is my rant for the morning. We are hoping for some snow this evening. So very sorry your folks in the North East have so much along with my pottery pals up in the NC mountains. I heard the winds where horrible the other day! Weekends are good for snow. Keeps the little people outside and happy.