Imagine the shock today when I attempted to re-do my entire blog today!

Around September after our big move I attempted to get on my blog a number of times and could not post a thing. You'll see by my last entry ( which I just uploaded) that September was my last post. For some reason Blogger locked me out and no matter who I asked, how many emails I sent I could not post a thing. Low and behold today I sat down to work on my website and just logged into my blogger account and finally posted the September "news"! I'm so blown over I really don't know what to say or where to start with my blog since I've been gone for so long!
So much to say and not enough time to write so I'll just highlight the Fall thus far......
We love our new house and so happy we moved!
Clayton and I are here enjoying our new kitchen and all the great sunlight we get now. Old houses have alot of character but lets face it, a new house is easier to clean and not so dark. ( Of course Clayton misses all the mice we had at the old house!) 
For Christmas I got insulation for my studio.
Work on my studio is slow but I know we'll keep plugging along on moving me in there. The electric is done and the kiln is hooked up but the floor coating, walls and added "stuff" will still take awhile to get done. Time and money is always an issue.
I've been in a few shows...
Since we moved to be closer to school for the kids, I took on another part-time teaching job. I am currently teaching at Winthrop to afternoons a week and still teaching my online art history courses as well. I also agreed to help out at the kids school teaching pre-school art two morning a week. It has been a nice challenge for me and the kids are so good! My children love having me at school and coming up with projects for "little minds" has been good for me. Of course with no studio and new adventures, my production has been cut down a bit and I didn't apply to as many shows. But...I did curate a show with Amy Sanders at Lark and Key gallery in Charlotte. It was a dinnerware show geared to pottery Mom's. Here is my set below!

Here is my booth at the Carolina Designer Craftsmen Guild show. Fellow blogger Tracey Broom got into the guild this year. I was on the jury and I'd like to think I helped out with that!
Helping Mom...
The older the kids get, the more they help out with with my pottery business. Here are the girls helping stamp what seems like a million postcards for the 4th Annual Hen House Show. I'm so thankful that we made the move to North Carolina and put the girls back into such a good school. They both repeated 2nd grade this year and Mckenna is getting extra help for her dyslexia and other issues. Big Brother started middle school this year and continues to work super hard to keep his grades up and stuff his brain full of facts and figures. What a change from last years adventures in schooling!
Still the multi-tasking Mom...
So while my new studio is still being built, I stay in flux working from our garage and toting pots down slippery steps, through the back yard to my kiln. The garage door stays open on warm days so I can watch the kids ride bikes and play with various children in our new neighborhood. Some days when the garage door is shut, the kitchen door remains cracked so I know whats going on in the house.
I have to admit, I do wonder what life with be like with my entire studio in one location and not attached to the house anymore. I have a few great windows for looking out into our wooded yard but in the back of mind I wonder if I might need an intercom system so I can be like "Big Brother" keeping in every now and then to see whats going on in the house. Seems like I'm creating a new chapter in my "Mud Mama" book!
Happy New Year Folks!
We are all looking forward to new year. Here's to all the hardworking craftsmen, parents and fellow friends out in Cyber Land. Hopefully I'll be able to get back into the blogging world in 2012!
I've gonna start off the year by say "Yea!"
Glad to see you're back!
Happy New Year Jen- makes me think of life here when we had kids at home- first potting in our basement and then in a studio across the yard and then in a bigger studio a bit more across the yard- we did have an intercom - but the older they got the less need for one. In fact i suggest a tracking device as they get older...not really- but good to have you back.
Wow you are so busy with your children and teaching commitments I am amazed at all you do, your booth looks super good to hear about what's happening in your life and with your pottery.
Glad to see your blog back, here's to a great multi tasking mud mama 2012.
So glad you're back at blogging. Precious children too. I plan on blogging more myself this new year. Can hardly wait to see my new mug- best purchase yet of 2012!
All the best-
Hi Jen.....I just found you through Cooking With Gas! I just started blogging september, about the same time you started having trouble with yours. I'm always asking what temp and clay body potters
I'm enjoying browsing your old posts.
I use Helios from Highwater clay and I fire to cone 7-8.
Happy New Year to all my blogging buddies-thanks for posting the first comments of 2012! ( Now I got to get that calendar up to date...)
Hey glad it's working!! See ya soon hopefully.
Maybe your blog is a starfish?
Oh THAT would be cool! Hope your well Michael :)
Glad to read your new post...I stumbled on your blog just a few weeks ago and have enjoyed reading your old posts. Now I get to look forward to new ones.
I am now an 'empty nester' mom, so I read about all your art and adventures with your kids and it brings back many fond memories for me. I, too, was a part-time working, art volunteer and art making mom. Here to tell you it all worked out well!
Happy New Year to you all!
Happy new year, hope you have a fabulous 2012 and get back into blogging soon!
Thanks Susan for the words of encouragement from a "art working Mom". I love hearing from "wise" Mom's like yourself, it keeps me in check with my every day thoughts and feelings on the subject of trying to make it all fit together! Jen
Welcome back!! I have been so behind in blog reading and writitng. Your new studio looks lovely. Happy Potting!
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