A few weeks ago Amy Sanders and Ron Philbeck came by for a little "pottery chat" and we enjoyed some pizza, beer and Amy's world famous chocolate chip cookie's!

Ron was the one who had been wanting to talk about our pots for awhile because whenever we meet we are always talking about our THROWN TOGETHER business or doing other things. It was a great idea because really now that we are all just studio potters working on our own, there isn't really anyone who can help look at those little things in your work that you tend to overlook We each brought out three pots and talked about what sort of new stuff we were thinking about doing or changing about a our work.
The photo above is a close up of the pot below and if you notice the pot below.......well, my glaze looks different and NO this was not a new glaze I was trying out!
Before I moved I made up huge amounts of my three glazes because I wasn't sure where or when I'd be able to make glazes. I knew I had a few Fall shows and thank goodness I made it through to this February with out having to make any glazes. Well, the last kiln load I noticed that I had no yellow and I needed some for a few requests. For some reason in that glaze load, I only put yellow on a few small pieces and decided this big, new flower topiary needed the yellow. To my surprise when I opened that kiln,this is what I found. A muted out ash lookin glaze!
Sighhhhh.....and than a head scratch. What the ---- happened here?
Looking back on moving and cleaning out my old studio; which we did in a matter of two days. I seem to recall a few bags ripping and some labels falling off bins. I can only conclude that something go mixed up somewhere and this was my result. Oy-vey!
Guess its time to do some investigating and testing before the Spring rush hits!
Just a final note. I enjoyed last months Ceramic Monthly in which an article was written about Linda Christensen and her graceful pottery and kind, hospitable manner when visited by some fresh faced potters several years ago. I don't have the article in front of me so I don't recall who the potter was that wrote about her. It made me smile because I just really enjoy Linda every time I have the opportunity to listen to her talk about pots. This month, Stephen Hill wrote a good article about electric firing that I also really enjoyed reading this. Its so nice to see all these great potters deciding to kick the gas kiln habit and switch over the electric to see what it can do for them. I still have my dream of firing my salt kiln and getting back into that type of firing but since I've been firing electric since I've been out of grad school...I guess I'll stick with it as long as we live in a neighborhood!
It's not yellow, but it has a lovely, antiqued look to it...
I agree with Julia, it looks beautiful even though it's not what you were expecting.
You do such Lovely work...I would put that up for sell on Etsy! :)
Its an interesting colour! I often find this happens to me usually for a custom order the glaze just doesnt turn out quite right for whatever reason. Its always worse when you feel that pressure of delivering!
I know exactly how you feel glaze wise and firing... But so funny to see you write OY VEY... Cracks me up. I have been trying to do the cup shows and hoping for the best as far as selling. Really hoping other galleries check out my work there or it creates some validity to what I am doing if I approach them for representation...
hello.. pretty pottery
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