
wed. log

Not a whole lot going on in the pottery world to really report. I've been throwing plates, bowls and salt and pepper shakers to fill some orders I have. I'm pretty eager to get these things done and move onto to working on my new stuff that I've been working on. I did get a call that my name finally came up and off the waiting list for a show in Shelby that I've done in the past. They've put me in a new building so I'm curious to see how my sales are. Most years I'm put between a lot of folks from the seagrove area and there pottery is pretty cheap so I think with my porcelain prices up against there stoneware stuff, I lose out a lot of times. But....We'll see.

On the mom front Quaid has been sick this week with yet another chest and throat thing. He was born with a collapsed lung so I think he tends to get these things a lot worse than most folks. Anyways, he's been home with the rest of the crew and we've just been lying low. I've been trying to work on Aydan tantrums this week. Today was a bad day for her. Nothing was going her way and she ended up in time out I think like 6 times. By the end of the day I just needed a break from her crying and screaming a called Joey to come home from the gym early. I figured she also needed a break from me. I think at bed time she tied a good one on for him as well. This age ( 3) just can be so trying on one's nerves.

So, tomorrow I'm off to teach my class in Charlotte and Friday I meet with my circle of 8 friends. Than on Saturday we are planning to take the kids to this exotic animal ranch in Moorseville;hope the weather holds out because I know they will love it!

1 comment:

Ron said...

Hey Jen,
Glad you got in the Shelby show. I am looking forward to our meeting on Friday. See ya then.