This is a big week for the kids. HALLOWEEN! Friday we did the fall carnival at school and this evening we made carmel apples. Tomarrow we cave our pumkins and than it is off and running for the school week and lots of party stuff I"m sure. ( You know I'll have lots of photo of that!)
Here's a little lady bug painting McKenna brought home for me this week. Children's art is just the best!
Another show that I'm in is a cup show at the Worcester Center for Crafts in Massachusetts. I just got the card for it the other day and saw some great names on there like Gay Smith and Julia Galloway just to name a few. To have my stuff anywhere outside of NC/SC always thrills me to death. Its so cool to think someone way across the US has one of my pieces.
So far the weekend has been pretty good. The Circle of Eight group met Friday night for a meeting at Julie Wiggins house. Of course our dinners are always great, served on great pottery and we all have fun catching up with one another. Today I took the girls to a really good birthday party where the theme was "camping". The parents of this girl put tents and a boat out in the yard and had camping stuff for them to do. It was great not to have to go to another Barbie birthday and the 4 year olds had a blast.
Joey, Quaid and my father started to clean out the furniture from the 97 year old grandmothers house. She has moved in with my folks and in turn is giving away basically everything she has. It is great that my kids now there great grandmother and that she is not living alone anymore. Its comforting to know my parents are right there with her if anything happens and I enjoy getting to see her more since I'm at my folks a lot during the week.
Tomorrow will be another kiln day!
"8 Fluid Ounces" - National juried cup exhibition
1/25 Through 2/25, Gallery Talk 1/28
Shaw Center for the Arts LSU School of Art Alfred C. Glassell Jr. Exhibition Gallery Baton Rouge, LA
"Flora" - ceramic works by Jenni Brant & Jennifer Mecca
1/30 Through 3/2, Reception 2/3 .......6 to 9pm
Gallery Up 201 E Main St, 2nd Flr Gettys Art Ctr Rock Hill, SC 2973
"Vases for Spring", Invitational
4/3 Through 7/16
Worchester Center for Craft - 25 Sagamore Rd, Worchester Mass. 01605
"Memory & Metaphor" - by Duy Huynh, Jennifer Mecca and Honora Jacob
4/4 through 5/26.... Reception 4/6
Lark and Key 128E Park Rd, Charlotte NC
"Thrown Together Spring Sale" - group show featuring Jennifer Mecca, Ron Philbeck, Amy Sanders and Julie Wiggins.
4/28 (10am to 4pm) Special Quests - Kerry Gonzolaz and Dean & Martin Pottery
1225 Dade St. Charlotte NC
Thrown Together Group show - name to be announced
6/1 through 6/31
NC Craft Gallery http://nccraftsgallery.com/
6/14 (10am to 5pm)
Downtown Blowing Rock , NC
ARTS IN THE PARK- Blowing Rock
7/11 (10am to 5pm) Downtown Blowing Rock, NC http://www.blowingrock.com/artinthepark/
"The Cup Show",
11/17 Through 12/24
Worchester Center for Craft - 25 Sagamore Rd, Worchester, Mass 01605