
Messy Days

Guess we all have days like this. Sometimes I enjoy just getting down right dirty with clay all over me, dust and water splattered from here to there. Yesterday was also rainy so the water, clay, mud and glaze particles where really all mixed together on my cloths!

I was thinking how I really needed to throw yesterday and how great it would be to have a apprentice to come in and do all these tasks that seems to go on for a whole day. I've heard many really successful potters who let folks use their equipment for trading out mentoring and work duties. Of course I don't really think I'm close to do anything like that but maybe one day when the kids are grown and I have what I like to call a REAL studio space.

Until than I guess I'll just wait for my little people get a bit older and make some of these tasks "chores" options. ( Well..not making my glazes..guess I'll keep doing that!)


Gary's third pottery blog said...

ooof, man, I hate mixing stuff....


messy days are great.

Lori Buff said...

That just looks like fun to me.

Scott Smith said...

It might be interesting to let the kids mix your glazes.