
Work update

Well, its almost midnight and I have one more turn up on my kiln before calling it a night. Today I had such a burst of energy and I just have been going all day. I'm pretty surprised I finished glazing tonight at early as I did. Last night I was still putting stain designs on my pieces at 12:30 and just longing for some sleep. The bisque came out fine and I started glazing about 6:30 this evening and really took my time trying and hoping that my glazes go on not to thin or to thick. NO FUSED BOXES this time I hope, I hope! I even put a kiln god on my kiln this time. Quaid had made some little figures that I bisque for him so I used one of those and said a little kiln blessing.

The week has flown by with studio work, and taking care or children. Usually my friends with children are always helping me out with free babysitting for my kids. They always offer to take them for me ( a play date) when they know I have a lot of work. Since I am always working I feel like I have so few opportunities to help them out with there children and give them a break. This week I did get to help a friend out with her little girl for two days and it felt good, plus the twins had a new playmate for two days. This all has made the week fly by!

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