
New Feature on My Blog

"Hey....there is a Santa-Tec guy Virginia!"

Its so great to go to my blog and see that my Tec Guy has put something new on there. Now I'm like all the rest of you big-wig bloggers out there with photo's attached to other bloggers! Ye-Ha

Mental note -
( Now for all those new blogs I've been meaning to add to my list....hummmmmm....should I just wing it and add those names and risk screwing up what has been nicely added to my blog?? Or should I leave well enough alone?? Some days the Tec Guy is not to keen on me messing around with his recent work, so I think I may just wait awhile longer on that until I can catch him off guard with many technical questions. Any sort of Technical stuff my right brain does not always understand. I still have not figured out how to use our camcorder even though I've been shown a 1,000 times. This troubles that Tec Guy some days to no end but......he still loves me).

Today the kiln is firing another load. I'm feeling pretty good about my up coming show. Now if I can get that mailto:$#%@^% camera to work!

1 comment:

Patricia Griffin Ceramics said...

You're so lucky to have your own Tech Guy! I have a Non-Tech Guy, but he's a keeper too. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!