Ahhhhhh, I have no idea where to begin, or what has been going on since July 11th, my last entry. If I really wanted to bore everyone to death I could go on an on about stuff but I think I'll just list the evants that has led me up to today.
- computer got zapped in a storm one night....a very "sitcome like " evening where the cat got left in the house and pee'd on my bed, the electricity was out so I could'nt find the black cat to put her outside or locate new sheets and then deal with my kids waking up because they house was pitch black. Did I mention my kiln was fireing and the placesetting in it had to go out the next day for a client?
So, here I am with no computer for 2 weeks. I've been lost.
-I had my show with my Dad, which was nice. I got to see alot of people I had'nt in a long time. Some old art teachers and friends from Greenwood. The show looked really nice and it was fun spending the evening with my Dad, Mom and doing something like that. Dad sold a few painting and I a good amount of pots and we got some nice write ups in the local paper. I guess that is the most attention I've ever gotten in that little town!
- Then we move onto a horrible week which makes all my "silly" sitcome disaters seem rediculous . Joey, my husband, lost his Dad very suddenly and it was just awful...it still is~ things keep popping into my head about him and his interaction with the family that I am going to miss so deeply. My favorite story about him is when Joey first told him what I did for a living and his reply was" what does she do for a living? She makes pots and pans? How do you survive on that?Now, at this time I had'nt even met the man and I thought, what I'm I getting myself into? But Joey just laughed and said, you have to know my Dad to see how funny that statement is. When I did finally meet Joe and was around him more and more comments like that where just his way of getting an inoccent rise out of someone and cracking a joke. He always asked me about my work and what I was up too and seemed real interested in my work. I am very lucky to have married into such a nice family, not many people can say that.
Well, I"m back on line and so glad to put my thoughts down once again. I'm getting ready for my home show next weekend with Amy Sanders. I hope some of you can make it! jen