I had yet another great day of "goofing off" so to say. I took the girls to Clayworks and we had lunch with my clay gal friends Julie, Amy and Alyssa. I did a wonderful trade with Alyssa for some great water colors of far-out baby carriages. I'll have to take a photo of them and put them up for all to see. Trading is just soooooo great when your an artist and have no means for affording wonderful art( like the people who buy from you do...............hummmmmmmmm I feel a topic there).
Anyways, we had a great lunch and then I had to hit SouthPark mall to buy Joey's niece a gift at Urban Outfitters. I have to say I'm getting very prudish in my old age because they had books and stuff in there that made me go "oh my". ( Yet another topic......)
We than came home for a nap and some TV down time for me. I had to put a photo up of one of my favorite Christmas guys, Heat Miser. I have been taken with this guy since I was young and I know he has come up in many conversations I've had over the years. I just like the name I guess. It is hard to me to conceive that people don't know who he is!!!! Of course these cartoons where popular when I was little and now they run on cable so not every kid waits for Monday night to see " A year without a Santa Clause". Of course we have this video because I had to make sure my kids now Heatmiser along with the song. Do you?????
"I'm Mr. HeatMeiser... I'm Mr. Hot... I'm Mr. Heat Meiser... I'm Mr. One hundred and one..."I know it...Jen... you are scaring me!haha
I'm having issues with getting his photo up here, I've been trying for days!!!!
" Friends call me heat miser, whatever I touch, seems to melt in my clutch! I'm to much"
Yes, I'm alittle off...happens when you have twins.
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