
I love to wrap!

( That's not rap...yes it is wrap!)
I have devoted most of my time these last few days to my studio. Things are rolling along. Today was my last wet day and I have pots that are ready to glaze in the morning. We all had a very nice weekend. Joey got to work a bit on the house and relax. ( Well I think he relaxed..better ask him about that.) I had some former students from Clayworks come out to visit my studio and show me the stuff they had been working on. It was really nice to have visitors and talk pots with these folks. The kids attended yet another birthday bash. I think we have at least one every other weekend! I like to send them to all these events because they have a chance to see all their school friends that tend to live far away from us and also I have to admit, I have a little bit of an addiction to wrapping paper. This love of highly decorated wrap started very young.

I use to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Christmas time because neither my father nor my mother enjoyed wrapping gifts so I got to wrap EVERYONES gifts for years. (All but my own.) The bows, the tape the paper the tags, I just loved it all and I still do! I am a big believer that no gift bags will come into my house unless given to someone in my household. I never buy them because it takes all the fun out a giving a gift!
I was wrapping the gifts that the girls had to take with them this weekend and I thought what a great source for all the funky florals I like to put on my pieces. Soon I think my studio is going to be covered in strips of wrapping paper.


Linda Starr said...

Boy that wrapping paper really is inspirational, inspiration is everywhere.

cookingwithgas said...

great paper! I love paper- but I hate to wrap- Mark is the expert wrapper at this house.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

the pink Red Riding hood is a hoot!

Anonymous said...

i think i'm like your mom and dad... i hate to wrap, always trying to think of a way around it. i do like the design on that last paper swatch though.

Jen Mecca said...

( You guys might like to go back and re-read this because this morning I cleaned up all the typo's I could find. I need to remember not to blog at 12am!)