The beginning of September when my shelves were bare and people asked me " So, what are you working on"? Or "Do you have any...." I'm sure the look of my eye's turned up towards the right side of brain, the wrinkled brow of my forehead and the " Welllllllllll"......that came out of my mouth was an indication that I was at a stand still. People tend to loose interests after awhile and move on to other, more exciting blogs and pots and this is understandable. I tend to sit back and think about categories people fall into and at times wish to join the pack or envy some groups. Potters fall into these group as well even though we all strive to be individualists. Lessons we thought we learned in High School about popularity contests don't stop in adulthood like we think they should, they carry on I think well into old age.
As you know today is Mothers day so I thought it was a good day to get back on board and do a little post. It actually may not be that little now that I think about and may take a few instalments or maybe I can make it a series like the Harry Potter books my son was obsessed with last year. ( Get it...Harry POTTER?!) Ok, bad joke..
So my blog adventure in 2010 took me from posting at least once a week to signing off in October. Once Christmas rolled around I thought I could take it back on and perhaps give it a new look - less Mud Mama stuff and more just pottery talk. A real serious pottery blog like many of my fellow bloggers male and female alike tend to have. I sort of was feeling like I had a whine about every single obstacle I had run across with trying to be a Mom and potter at the same time. I even think some other potter had a rant on the web about how potters were talking far to much about personal matters and less about the meaty topics like - glaze calculation, clay mixing, studio practices, pricing ect. After the North Carolina Clay conference in March of 2010, I sat in a discussion given by Ayumi Horie about good pottery blogging and felt myself sort of slink down in my chair because I realised my blog was less about potting and more about trying to juggle a lot of things. Like all working parents/professionals, I wanted to be taken seriously, so I had in my head that I would only blog about pots and the making of pots. Silly me!
"Hiding Out in my Studio"
So many things over the years that I've talked about wanting to make in my studio. Some get done, others do not due to time or sheer frustration. Truth be told I think I tried more new things back when Quaid was a baby because honestly I had more time. As the twins grew, my time seemed compressed and the wheels didn't turn as much. Alot got said about wanting to "try" stuff but as shows grew near and the twins went through developmental stages, well...lets face it, it was easy for me to crank out a pie plate rather than a new teapots design for an upcoming Spring show. When I think back over the last 10 years of making pots and trying to establish some sort of following, the priorities were always changing. You have the "Just trying to get started", "Finding your own voice", " Money matters", "Outdoor shows/Indoor shows"," Teaching", "Dealing with special orders", "Marketing and Networking". Through it all I've either been with child, having babies, dealing with nannies and trying to raise what seems like a herd of elephants some days. The oldest child got more attention at the beginning of this journey, the younger two got feed, bathed, loved and disciplined. Notice I did not say attention. At this point I could branch off and have a whole other blog about raising twins but that really is a whole other story so I'll just focus on my career and the twins. Here is where everything took a turn in the priority department and the start of my tale.
Next post - "Genetics - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"
Looking forward to the next installment. You're work is gorgeous and it seems to showcase your passions. It sounds as if your family is well cared for and loved. If someone wants a blog specifically related to pottery which does not reflect the soul of the potter and only offers formulas, hints and solutions, then there are numerous publications to which they can subscribe. Blogging should have sprinkles, and sometimes even downpours, of the writer. By all means, let your blogging reflect the same individuality of your artwork.
IMHO, I would blog on whatever your need happens to be, this seems to be cathartic for you and as a quiet follower, and mom of two myself, sometimes you have to be a bit needy to regroup and re-energize so you can be more productive in ALL areas of your life, not just pottery. I support you either way. Then again, conforming to the norm has never been my thing. Happy Mother's Day. :)
seriously, who cares what other people think you should blog? I blog any damn thing every day, because it is MINE...and just blogging about pottery would be wicked boring for me and my readers!
this is great. and you know what else? I think people who read and buy from blogs want to feel like they know the person they're buying from. They may not want to hear about all of the problems and disappointing kiln loads, but they do want to hear about some. they know you're a person and not a factory.
I can't imagine doing this with twins. holy cow.
Thank you so much. As a beginning potter, longtime photographer, and hesitant blogger, your second paragraph really spoke to me. Namaste.
All great art is informed to some extent by biography, particularly modern art. Beginning with Duchamp, it is hard to separate biography from work. This is ingrained in our 20th century sensibility. Let it out JJ!
All great art is informed to some extent by biography, particularly modern art. Beginning with Duchamp, it is hard to separate biography from work. This is ingrained in our 20th century sensibility. Let it out JJ!
I really like your blog, to be fair there should always be an element of pleasure to blogging. Theres a merit in running your own timetable and doing it when you feel like rather than the pressure of other people wanting you to.
Thanks everyone for chiming in on my latest post...more to come with my adventures over the last few months. Cheers! Jen
Glad you're blogging again, whatever the content it's always a good read.
Hi Jen
I’m just catching up on blogs! The show is up and the workshop is over! wheew!
Who cares what people say a pottery blog should talk about. I love your blog! I have many of the same frustrations. I read your blog loving the fact that I relate so well with what you are going through. Since I have the same issues, job, child, wife and pottery! I’m happy that I’ not the only one out there. Blog when you can, on whatever you want!!!!! I will read it!
Jen: I read your blog because of what you write about, I can relate to trying to do it all and some days it's nice to see someone else in the same boat. As you know I think your work is spectacular and I have missed reading your blog. Somehow this post got by me on my blog roll and I just picked it up on someone else's blog. Just keep doing what you are doing, it's all good!! It doesn't have to always be about pottery, if so I should probably stop my blog :) Just write what you want to, it's your blog!!
t have to be about
sorry, don't know what that last line is all about, blogger is so odd!
i have been meaning to comment on this post for a while. i appreciate all you say and it's very encouraging for all of us that juggle motherhood and creative efforts.
blog what you want. however, i too have felt this struggle and have stopped blogging often because of feeling confused as to what my blog was supposed to be...this all based on other blogs i read and compare myself too.
i recently heard this at a marketing conference, "a blog should be about your interests, twitter about what others may be interested in and facebook what will make you look interesting"....got me thinking anyway.
i truly appreciate your raw voice!
There are a lot of lovely technical blogs out there but I love the ones that are a mix of doing and being. I love to get to know the person behind the art as much as seeing what they create.
Thanks for the post Jen... I really miss getting to see your work move through the studio and comparing work and family notes. Reading along, I kept finding myself grinning with pride. You really walk the high path. Your priorities are very well anchored and it shows. Your daughters are very lucky... but we knew that already, you are just carrying the ball forward.
PS... the last seasons work is absolutely stunning! Love your shots!
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