I decided to get right back to my handles for serving dishes. These are the one's I use to make for all my casserole dishes. I like them and I like the way they look but this porcelain body has changed since my years using it in grad school and I have problems with it splitting sometimes right where they handle folds over. It never did this before but now........very frustrating. So that is why for the last few years I've tried other handles. Maybe I just need to pull it another way..........hummmmm

Last but not least, Emily asked me if I was going to show anymore of my "kids plates". I found some more photo's I had taken on my camera so I thought I'd put these two up. These are both in the first stages of all I did to the plates. I like this stage the best and wished they had come out looking like this! I also wanted to say that each plate had a saying on the back as to what I could remember the girls had said about each drawing they did. They where trilled when I brought in two of the plates the other night for dinner ( they where 2nds of course). Each of them remembered the drawings that where on the plates and wanted to see more. Regrettably many of the plates did not make it through the multiple firing for various reason. Many of them I just did not like how they looked. I do have to say it is an idea and surface application that maybe I'll come back to another time.