Off To The Show

Isn't it amazing the lessons we learn at certain stages in our life? I think I've learned most about myself from my kids if I really sit down and think about it. Today Joey and I plus my folks got to watch our children and the rest of the lower school do a program called "Grandparents day". This always involves a lot of singing, a lesson to be learned and appreciation from the school for all the financial and emotional support that grandparents give to the school our kids attend. Whenever I see my kids up on stage while I'm sitting with my parents its always brings a flood of emotions. My mind always races to how my parents must of felt watching my many programs and concerts. I find that I have to pinch myself that I'm in their shoes now. About a year ago I really realised how fast time goes by so everyday I try to remind myself to enjoy just a few moments of peace and stop myself from getting to caught up in the race. My kids have helped me so much with this life lesson!
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I plan on doing what I do every year, watch the MACY'S day parade, eat a lot, play some board games and maybe take in a movie. The next day I should be well rested to sell some pots!
Happy Thanksgiving!
New Feature on My Blog
"Hey....there is a Santa-Tec guy Virginia!"
Its so great to go to my blog and see that my Tec Guy has put something new on there. Now I'm like all the rest of you big-wig bloggers out there with photo's attached to other bloggers! Ye-Ha
Mental note -
( Now for all those new blogs I've been meaning to add to my list....hummmmmm....should I just wing it and add those names and risk screwing up what has been nicely added to my blog?? Or should I leave well enough alone?? Some days the Tec Guy is not to keen on me messing around with his recent work, so I think I may just wait awhile longer on that until I can catch him off guard with many technical questions. Any sort of Technical stuff my right brain does not always understand. I still have not figured out how to use our camcorder even though I've been shown a 1,000 times. This troubles that Tec Guy some days to no end but......he still loves me).
Today the kiln is firing another load. I'm feeling pretty good about my up coming show. Now if I can get that mailto:$#%@^% camera to work!
Its so great to go to my blog and see that my Tec Guy has put something new on there. Now I'm like all the rest of you big-wig bloggers out there with photo's attached to other bloggers! Ye-Ha
Mental note -
( Now for all those new blogs I've been meaning to add to my list....hummmmmm....should I just wing it and add those names and risk screwing up what has been nicely added to my blog?? Or should I leave well enough alone?? Some days the Tec Guy is not to keen on me messing around with his recent work, so I think I may just wait awhile longer on that until I can catch him off guard with many technical questions. Any sort of Technical stuff my right brain does not always understand. I still have not figured out how to use our camcorder even though I've been shown a 1,000 times. This troubles that Tec Guy some days to no end but......he still loves me).
Today the kiln is firing another load. I'm feeling pretty good about my up coming show. Now if I can get that mailto:$#%@^% camera to work!
Who I Spent My Weekend With
My weekend was busy in the studio and around home but I had good company to keep me entertained!
Here is a great little guy who just turned 8 this weekend and Saturday afternoon was spent with Quaid and 6 other very happy boys who took over a Go-Kart and mini-golf birthday complex in Charlotte. Eight years ago Quaid was born the day before Thanksgiving and he and I had a very hard time getting him into the world. This is something a mother never forgets on an important day as yesturday was. He is a great kid and had fun on his special day. Here are his two biggest fans! ( ...well that depends on the day..)
While I worked on staining my pots for a bisque kiln, Johnny Depp visited me in Sweeney Todd Friday night.
Diana Krall helped me get through Saturday morning while I assembling teapots.
Around lunch time Micheal Feldman showed up with What'ya know.
Before it was time to go off to the Go-Kart place, Peter Shagel stopped by with some other very funny folks for Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me.
By Sunday morning I was back staining more pots and watching Bob Sheiffer talk about the Economy and who Obama was going to be picking for all his cabinet appointments.
Garrison Keller strolled in singing a tune somewhere before I took a break for another Birthday celebration at my parents house for both Quaid and my 98 year old grandmother. ( I hate to say I do not have a photo to put up here of her because I'm sure she never thought she'd see the day her face was posted on the Internet!)
Ira Glass and David Sedaris brought many chuckles in the afternoon while I was making some little spoon holders with some slump molds......
And last but not least this evening I got to watch Beyonce' sing her new single, Single Ladies on the American Music Awards. I have to admit "I like myself a little Beyonce' " to dance to in between putting springs on some cups!
Wow...what a jam packed weekend!
Here is a great little guy who just turned 8 this weekend and Saturday afternoon was spent with Quaid and 6 other very happy boys who took over a Go-Kart and mini-golf birthday complex in Charlotte. Eight years ago Quaid was born the day before Thanksgiving and he and I had a very hard time getting him into the world. This is something a mother never forgets on an important day as yesturday was. He is a great kid and had fun on his special day. Here are his two biggest fans! ( ...well that depends on the day..)

While I worked on staining my pots for a bisque kiln, Johnny Depp visited me in Sweeney Todd Friday night.

No Images
I think when I started writing this blog, I didn't know how to upload photo's. I think Joey did it all for me. Now that I can't get my camera to work I think there is no point to blogging if I don't have any images....so that is why I haven't had anything to say lately.
Tonight I got to urge to write down a few words about what has been going on here. I just got in from putting together a few teapots and finishing up the butter dishes I started a few days ago. I had a nice kiln come out today which made me super happy. One great platter. I love to throw platters but lately I have had little success with getting them to the glaze stage. I went ahead a changed the foot on it and low and behold its worked pretty well.
Tomorrow is Quaid's 8th birthday so the day will be split between taking 7 boys GO-KART riding and moving forward in the studio. I was thinking yesterday how he was 9 months old when we moved into this house and now he is already 8. The time does go by so quickly. Joey and I only thought we'd be in this house for a few years and then move on to bigger and better places. I think its fair to say that with the way the world is at the moment, I'm pretty thankful for our little house and feel pretty sure we'll just stay put for awhile longer here. If only I could get a heated studio..than all my prayers would be answered!
I leave for Raleigh on Thursday morning for the CDC so I'm still pushing the envelope trying to get as much done as I can. I'll check in again this weekend.
Tonight I got to urge to write down a few words about what has been going on here. I just got in from putting together a few teapots and finishing up the butter dishes I started a few days ago. I had a nice kiln come out today which made me super happy. One great platter. I love to throw platters but lately I have had little success with getting them to the glaze stage. I went ahead a changed the foot on it and low and behold its worked pretty well.
Tomorrow is Quaid's 8th birthday so the day will be split between taking 7 boys GO-KART riding and moving forward in the studio. I was thinking yesterday how he was 9 months old when we moved into this house and now he is already 8. The time does go by so quickly. Joey and I only thought we'd be in this house for a few years and then move on to bigger and better places. I think its fair to say that with the way the world is at the moment, I'm pretty thankful for our little house and feel pretty sure we'll just stay put for awhile longer here. If only I could get a heated studio..than all my prayers would be answered!
I leave for Raleigh on Thursday morning for the CDC so I'm still pushing the envelope trying to get as much done as I can. I'll check in again this weekend.
Sleeping on the job
I explained to my Tec guy last night that I couldn't get any photo's to upload and he said "he'd check in out for me". So far...nothing has been looked at and boy do I have some good photo's to upload! So frustrating...of course I really don't have a lot of time to blog but if we can get it working this week I'm going to try my best to post something. I'm just pluggin' along. Today was spent at school all day with thanksgiving feasts, birthday "donuts" for my oldest and a doctors appointment. WHEW!
Technical Difficulties
Tonight I'm experiencing technical difficulties with my camera so I can't get any of my photo's to up load.
Speaking of technical difficulties, have you noticed that in the last 20 years you never hear this anymore on the air ways?
" We are experiencing technical difficulties, please stay tuned".
I keep noticing these commercials for sending into some place and getting coupon for my TV "converted" or I won't be able to watch it. I have to wonder when all this got so complicated? I hate to admit it but we have four TV's in our house. And two of them....yes this is big confession to get off my chest....belong to me. One in the studio and one in the glaze room. Since I do most of my work at night I have to admit I like to watch "my shows". ( My new favorite one is "The Mentalist", just in case you where wondering). Truth also be told I'm like everyone else out there who just listens to good tunes, NPR and books on tape. I can't limit myself to just one form of entertainment while I work. And my black and white 12" TV's have served me well for many years with a state of the art coat hanger on top of both of them! Secretly I've been looking at all the ads in the Sunday paper to see what a new fangled TV set would cost me because who knows when I can get one of those strange converter boxes out in my shed. Boy do I have a long list of electronics for Santa this year!....... never thought I'd hear myself say that.
Speaking of technical difficulties, have you noticed that in the last 20 years you never hear this anymore on the air ways?
" We are experiencing technical difficulties, please stay tuned".
I keep noticing these commercials for sending into some place and getting coupon for my TV "converted" or I won't be able to watch it. I have to wonder when all this got so complicated? I hate to admit it but we have four TV's in our house. And two of them....yes this is big confession to get off my chest....belong to me. One in the studio and one in the glaze room. Since I do most of my work at night I have to admit I like to watch "my shows". ( My new favorite one is "The Mentalist", just in case you where wondering). Truth also be told I'm like everyone else out there who just listens to good tunes, NPR and books on tape. I can't limit myself to just one form of entertainment while I work. And my black and white 12" TV's have served me well for many years with a state of the art coat hanger on top of both of them! Secretly I've been looking at all the ads in the Sunday paper to see what a new fangled TV set would cost me because who knows when I can get one of those strange converter boxes out in my shed. Boy do I have a long list of electronics for Santa this year!....... never thought I'd hear myself say that.

I had the ankle last week, then the cold and now "the teeth". Someone is bound and determined out there in the Cosmo to keep me from being in my studio 247! Here is an illustration of what I think of when the word dentist pops into my head and yesterday was no exception when I broke a tooth at dinner time. There is a happy ending to this story that can be said with just two little words "sedation dentistry". If you are terrified of any dental experiance I highly recommend this way of getting through all the drilling and potential pain that may come along with your visit.
Tonight I will post some photo's of what I have gotten done in room off the back of the house. I'm excited to do the Carolina Designer Craftsmen show for the second time this year. It was so much fun last year seeing all sort of other craftspeople that I know from all over North Carolina. Stay tuned!~
Sunday Nov. 16
The photo's I'm putting up are from last Monday believe or not. These are two big bowls that came out of the kiln from the last show. I sold one of them, the other one I'll have to get a shot of in my studio. Inside are some little "veggie" bowls. I like to call them this because I made them this size for my kids but they really sell for all sorts of reasons. I love the little foot on these.

I"m plugging' along for the CDC show that is happening Thanksgiving weekend. Yesterday was spent making clay, platters, bowls and today I'm starting on butter dishes and tall vases. I'm catching up on requests I have from various folks. I can only hope the items they have asked for come out well!
We spent Friday night in Charlotte at the Bobcats game. Joey got some free tickets so it was an event for us to go. The children had a really good time and it was good to have some time to relax. I'm looking forward to December 7th when all my shows are done and I can just wear my Mom super cape for awhile.
Taking A Break
I'm going to be taking a little break from the blog for a bit. To much going on to keep up with it. Perhaps this weekend I'll get something up. Very busy week and I'm fighting off a cold. I had a good show with my friend Lisa last night but today I'm trying to re-coop to figure out how to get every done in the next week. I hope everyone else is keeping up with stuff and having a good week.
Take Care, Jen
Take Care, Jen
Four Hens Show - December 5-6
Myself and a group of other talented gals here in York decided to combine our home sales and this is what we have come up with!
My friend Lanier and her husband inherited his "family farm" so she has a great venue for a sale. I can't wait to take photo's of the whole farm and barn all lite up with luminaries the night of the sale. I guess I'm kind of jumping the gun on this sale because I have two others before this one. Joey finished the card last night and wanted to get it up on my blog for all to see. If you live around here, please mark your calendar. There are whole list of other folks we invited to join us along with my fellow Circle pal, Julie Wiggins.

My friend Lanier and her husband inherited his "family farm" so she has a great venue for a sale. I can't wait to take photo's of the whole farm and barn all lite up with luminaries the night of the sale. I guess I'm kind of jumping the gun on this sale because I have two others before this one. Joey finished the card last night and wanted to get it up on my blog for all to see. If you live around here, please mark your calendar. There are whole list of other folks we invited to join us along with my fellow Circle pal, Julie Wiggins.

On the studio front today, I'm happy to report to that I'm up and about. The ankle sort of hurts a bit but not as bad as yesterday so I'm going to keep working along on stuff. Today I need to load a bisque kiln. I sold lots of my bottles this weekend and I was able to make a bunch more this weekend after the sale. Today I'll be loading those along with other things that didn't make it into the kiln last week. Thanks to everyone who wished me well with my fall yesterday.
Monday Morning
I'm enjoying some great left-overs at the moment from yesterdays Circle meeting. Below are some snap shots that Joey took while we where talking about what we had accomplished as a group and what goals we wanted to strive for the coming year. Its nice to be able to get together with a group of people in a casual way. Amy brought Guthrie along for the day and my crew was running around while Joey helped out with dinner and enjoyed football in the next room.

This morning in the "studio" I had a bit of a set back. I took a dive when coming out of my glaze shed and twisted my ankle. I've had ice on it all morning and spent my time instead of in the studio on the computer putting together the final for my Art History students. As I was laying on the grass in pain this morning the first thing that popped into my head of course was " Good grief...I don't have time for this"! The second was " I hope my neighbor doesn't come home from work and find me he
I did manage to hobble inside, check my ankle out and do a self diagnosis. I'm sure by tomorrow I'll be back in business.
Tonight was my last clay class for the fall session so I hated to call in "sick". The last class is always great because we all bring in food and have either a raku party, some films or a crit. I hate to miss out on that tonight!
On the other hand my kids will be so happy to have Mom home on a Monday night.

This morning in the "studio" I had a bit of a set back. I took a dive when coming out of my glaze shed and twisted my ankle. I've had ice on it all morning and spent my time instead of in the studio on the computer putting together the final for my Art History students. As I was laying on the grass in pain this morning the first thing that popped into my head of course was " Good grief...I don't have time for this"! The second was " I hope my neighbor doesn't come home from work and find me he

I did manage to hobble inside, check my ankle out and do a self diagnosis. I'm sure by tomorrow I'll be back in business.
Tonight was my last clay class for the fall session so I hated to call in "sick". The last class is always great because we all bring in food and have either a raku party, some films or a crit. I hate to miss out on that tonight!
On the other hand my kids will be so happy to have Mom home on a Monday night.
Glass and Pottery Show

I had a great weekend. Yesterday I was at the Carolina Pottery Festival with Ron and we had a good sale and enjoyed keeping each other company. Today I hosted a Circle of Eight meeting here at the house. Joey put together a great lunch for us and we got a lot accomplished for the coming year. Tonight I'm heading out to get some more pots done that are sitting under plastic and yes I'll be glazing again on Wednesday! I'll try to get some photo's up tomorrow.
Going to set-up for Show
This Saturday I'll be sharing a booth with my fellow blogger Ron Philbeck. We will be at the Carolina Pottery Festival in Shelby NC. There are a bunch of regional potters that do this show every year. I have not done it in sometime and Ron was nice enough to ask me if I wanted to come join him this year. So, even if I don't sell that many pots, I know I'll have a good time hanging out with Ron and all the other folks I know from around here.
I hope you have a great weekend in your part of the world!
I hope you have a great weekend in your part of the world!
Glaze Day
Today I'm getting ready to glaze. Its so nice and sunny out I'm looking forward to being in the shed. Its tuff in the winter to be outside and glaze since its cold go I'm going to savor today. I'll check back in later.
Workin', Workin' Workin'...got to keep on workin'....
(.....Ok you need to sing the title I just wrote to the song "Raw Hide", because that is what I'm doing in my head at the moment. )
Real quick , here's what has been going on in the studio. I just got back from voting so I needed to check my email real quick, do a quick post and like Flash run out to the studio. Plus I'm hyped up on coffee because I can't wait to see what HAPPENS TONIGHT...........AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!( Ok..I'm calm..here are some images.)
*On Sunday my friend MaryAnna and I made these stepping stones with all my old pots that where seconds. It was a lot of fun and I'll let you know how they come out

* Here is just one of a few huge bowls I'm working on.
* Tumblers and bottoms to salt and peppers.*
* The start of square flower blocks. I think I've worked out the issues I had with the feet on these square ones so I hope they come out.
* Here are some trays for the salt and peppers. Plus some little bud vases.

Real quick , here's what has been going on in the studio. I just got back from voting so I needed to check my email real quick, do a quick post and like Flash run out to the studio. Plus I'm hyped up on coffee because I can't wait to see what HAPPENS TONIGHT...........AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!( Ok..I'm calm..here are some images.)
*On Sunday my friend MaryAnna and I made these stepping stones with all my old pots that where seconds. It was a lot of fun and I'll let you know how they come out

* Here is just one of a few huge bowls I'm working on.

* Tumblers and bottoms to salt and peppers.*

Cup Show
Charlie Cummings gallery is hosting this great cup show once again. I think a few years ago I was in this show but I don't remember seeing a call for entries this year . ( Must of gotten past me because I love a good cup show!) Here are some cups that jumped out at me. I think fellow blogger
Kristen Kieffer has several wonderful cups in the show as well. Check out his site when you get a chance!
Beth Robinson
Susanna Lints
Kristen Kieffer has several wonderful cups in the show as well. Check out his site when you get a chance!
Cup: The Intimate Object VI
Victor Visockis
Ben Carter

Recovering from "Spooks"
I had every intention to post something for the last three days. We carved our pumpkins on Wednesday, which is always the start to MY holiday season so I was excited!
The days just got away from me from putting out decorations, getting costumes together and volunteering at school all day yesterday. I can't remember that last time Halloween was on a weekend but it was crazy here in little old York. Since we a
re in the historic district in the downtown we get all sorts of trick-or-treaters and I think last night was a record. My Friend Tonya her children plus my friend MaryAnna came over last night so Joey took the gang in search of candy, while the "women" sat on the porch with a good bottle of wine and a huge bowl of candy. In about one hour we went through 5 bags of candy and by the time the children got back home, we where having them "donate" the candy they did not like to the bowl. The kids actually enjoy doing this because they have a blast giving away their candy. I'm sure as they get older, this will change.

Here is all we could muster up photo wise from the whole event of yesterday. I did get real black and white photo's of everyone in their costumes for my annual Halloween photo in my Christmas card.
Today, I am back to my clay haven and I am really looking forward to my music, the crisp air and just me and my clay.
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