
Workin', Workin' Workin'...got to keep on workin'....

(.....Ok you need to sing the title I just wrote to the song "Raw Hide", because that is what I'm doing in my head at the moment. )

Real quick , here's what has been going on in the studio. I just got back from voting so I needed to check my email real quick, do a quick post and like Flash run out to the studio. Plus I'm hyped up on coffee because I can't wait to see what HAPPENS TONIGHT...........AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!( Ok..I'm calm..here are some images.)

*On Sunday my friend MaryAnna and I made these stepping stones with all my old pots that where seconds. It was a lot of fun and I'll let you know how they come out

* Here is just one of a few huge bowls I'm working on.

* Tumblers and bottoms to salt and peppers.* * The start of square flower blocks. I think I've worked out the issues I had with the feet on these square ones so I hope they come out.
* Here are some trays for the salt and peppers. Plus some little bud vases.



Jerry said...

We must be on the same wavelength, because as I read the post title, I automatically was singing it in my head. Great minds!

I like those tumblers.

Tracey Broome said...

I need some of what you are on, I only got 5 cups made this morning, such a distracting day. By the way, I made your soup recipe last night, soooo good! I'll get a pic up later.Very little of the soupy part is left and lots of pasta so I'm going to add cheese and sauce tonight and bake it like a casserole. Maybe add a little basil.....