At any rate, I thought I'd put a few things on here before signing off.
Kiln issues : Well, I did get another element and the electrician and I have been playing phone tag along with "waiting on a part" tag for the last week so I still don't have my issues fixed frustrating. Today he called to say he is still waiting for a part so who knows, I may have good news by dinner time.

Show news :Here's a great postcard of a show I'll have some work in. ( That my little snip-it on the bottom in green.) Its hosted by a nice little clay center in Durham NC called Claymakers and my friend Ronan Peterson invited myself and a host of other great potters to be in it. I'm hoping I may be able to get to the opening. We'll see! The dates of the show are August 21st to October 10th. Opening reception will be August 21 from 6-9 for anyone who lives around the triangle area. I'm going to pack up the pots for this show this evening.
In the studio : I put some terra sigg on some tiles last night and for the most part, I just got to finish up some bottles and mugs to add to my inventory for the next Blowing Rock show. Ron Philbeck and I are going to try and fire a low-salt in September and the two of us where talking on the phone the other day about using terra-sig on these pieces. I'm still trying to incorporate this surface into some of my work. I really need to devote more time to this but...time has gotten away from me these last few months.
The Family and I :Fall is slowly creeping up on me and to me, fall is like January with a new start for my kids, my career and everything going on in the world. I really don't know where my summer went, but it was busy and I do need a break even if I don't feel like I got a whole lot accomplished in my studio.
So, I'm off ! ( You must envision me pulling a cape over my face and flying away!)
I haven't taken a full weeks break from working since Joey and I got married and really I'll still be doing art history stuff on a lap-top so........ I know when I start back up I'll be ready to really get to work. Once school starts for the kids, I'll be able to get back to my schedule in my studio that I have greatly missed.
Happy beginning of August everyone!