Little fun projects like this always keep me going. I think items for your garden are really cool and have endless possibilities.
Today a good friend of mine will be coming by for some tea and "chitter-chatter" while I work. Its my birthday and Debi has been really nice that last few years to always show up on my special day with a cake or just company. I'm always running around Memorial day weekend trying to get things made for this show and this weekend will be about the same.
We have two little dancers in the family so on Saturday my birthday treat from Aydan will be to watch her have a little solo in her dance recital. Mckenna will have her little proformance on Tuesday evening. Every Mom loves to see things like this and I get the extra special treat of have two little people perform!
Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day!
So, I had no takers on those plants...guess I'll just have to wait and see what they do when they bloom.
I'm off to work a bit more in my studio. My online courses start back up on Monday ( sigh) I have to admit its been so nice just working away and being a potter. Back to the job of education! I hope everyone has a good weekend and if your in the Salisbury area, please stop by the show at Pottery 101.
I've had such a few great days just working and a bit less hectic existence. School is almost over for the children and boy are they ready, as well as Mom. They are squeezing out ever last once of energy to get down with stuff..especially Quaid. Education is so much differant than when I was little. Some good some not so good. I'm sure every can chime in on this subject.
On my facebook fan page this week I hit 500 fans, which was a goal I had for this spring. I have an opening Friday night, which I will not be attending but will send all my good vibes up that way while my pottery pals represent our new journey together. The kiln is going today so hopefully my glazes will be kind to me and I'll have some good images for you all to see!
Things are good!
"8 Fluid Ounces" - National juried cup exhibition
1/25 Through 2/25, Gallery Talk 1/28
Shaw Center for the Arts LSU School of Art Alfred C. Glassell Jr. Exhibition Gallery Baton Rouge, LA
"Flora" - ceramic works by Jenni Brant & Jennifer Mecca
1/30 Through 3/2, Reception 2/3 .......6 to 9pm
Gallery Up 201 E Main St, 2nd Flr Gettys Art Ctr Rock Hill, SC 2973
"Vases for Spring", Invitational
4/3 Through 7/16
Worchester Center for Craft - 25 Sagamore Rd, Worchester Mass. 01605
"Memory & Metaphor" - by Duy Huynh, Jennifer Mecca and Honora Jacob
4/4 through 5/26.... Reception 4/6
Lark and Key 128E Park Rd, Charlotte NC
"Thrown Together Spring Sale" - group show featuring Jennifer Mecca, Ron Philbeck, Amy Sanders and Julie Wiggins.
4/28 (10am to 4pm) Special Quests - Kerry Gonzolaz and Dean & Martin Pottery
1225 Dade St. Charlotte NC
Thrown Together Group show - name to be announced
6/1 through 6/31
NC Craft Gallery http://nccraftsgallery.com/
6/14 (10am to 5pm)
Downtown Blowing Rock , NC
ARTS IN THE PARK- Blowing Rock
7/11 (10am to 5pm) Downtown Blowing Rock, NC http://www.blowingrock.com/artinthepark/
"The Cup Show",
11/17 Through 12/24
Worchester Center for Craft - 25 Sagamore Rd, Worchester, Mass 01605