So...I'm sure everyone is wondering why I have an image of a monkey above.
Well, once again I have felt the push and pull of either falling behind the pack or moving myself forward in the cyber age. Last week I attempted to put up my own email/newsletter mail out through a site called " Mail Chimp". Sadly I must report that I gave up! After thinking I could do it and than being interrupted to many times during the process or just not having the patience to really read the directions and figure it out....I gave up!
I even begged and pleaded with my husband to help me only to be lectured on why I should know how to do this sort of stuff by now OR why didn't I learn basis computer 101 back in college.
( Of course this lecture was followed by many eye rolls.)
But during the entire conversation of trying to defend my right brain mentality, I started to realize how much of a bias I have towards left brain people. ( Like my husband for example.....) Now I "say" this half joking so I hope no one sends me bitter responses about the ventures of being left brain. I just want to cleanse my thoughts and admit my prejudices towards this group of folks! When you are right brained, folks tend to put you in the category as " disorganized, flighty, ditsy, scattered brain.....ect." You know you've heard these before and I venture to go further and say that some of you have even USED these terms from time to time. Yep...I know you left brainers are out there reading this!
WELL can I just state for the record that those of us who hate overly organized people, are no good at math and rather have been in the art studio creating rather than sitting in a computer lab learning how to design a website have terms that describe you all as well! I just don't think we ever get a chance to use these terms because we are so busy trying to defend ourselves or change who we are by reading books on "how to be more organized" or " basic computer 101". Blah, Blah, Blah..and the list goes on. You never hear and real creative person criticize someone who's not as unique by saying" You need creativity 101" or " Why don't you take a class in relaxing and enjoying life instead of organizing stuff all the time!" Yep, I'm here as the spokes person for this group. Don't get me wrong, I spend a lot of time trying to keep my family on a schedule and my kids from not losing everything that comes home. But when I run into, lets just say Math teachers how expect everyone to color coat all assignments, dot every number and turn in everything on time,well...naturally I want to dump a can paint on them!
But enough about that, hopefully this month I'll either bribe my husband into getting my account up or I'll just put it off a bit more and continue to just create in my studio.
Peter Beasecker was our visiting artist at Winthrop this week. He was great! He is now the head of the ceramic department at Syracuse and I'm sure the program is going to take off. What a nice day I had listening to him and watching him make pots.

Just look at these great porcelain cups below!!

I have my opening with Jenni Brant this week. Sadly the gallery that I'm showing my work for is closing after this show. They have been open for 7 years and I guess the town they are in just can not support this type of gallery. All in all I'm honored to have a show there and hope some folks will come out to see my new work. I have worked on a few new forms but as you read below....still have not been able to photograph them correctly. Maybe next month I'll jump on that horse again as well.
I hear ya!! I took a test online one time and my results came back 99% right brain. Gerry took it and he was 50/50 right left. We have many similar conversations here about how hard it is for be to grasp basic computer skills. I'm just not that interested in learning them, is he interested in testing new glaze recipes? NO!
and why should I spend valuable time learning photoshop or photo mechanic when I have a perfectly great professional photographer living in the same house!
Rant on Girl!
enjoyed your rant but my mother is a math teacher and I am more organized than she is! So I found that really funny!
Tracey...that is exactly what I tell Joey. Why should I learn this when I have a someone who ENJOYS being on the computer and can just help me out! ( and I tried one time to show him how to throw on the wheel and he was the worst...so HUH!)
Meredith - I think your Mom might be one math teacher I could have gotten along with :)
Sorry about the gallery closing. I hope the show is a good send-off for them at least... Best wishes for a great opening!... How cool to have Peter Beasecker as the visiting artist. I took a workshop at Arrowmont years ago with him and Suze Lindsay as co-instructors. Incredibly awesome!
I recently gave a throwing lesson to a man who wanted to use his right brain skills more so that he could be a better father to his daughters. Seems like right & left brain thinking is on several minds this week.
Lori - What a great thing for that Dad to do for his kid. I'm always running into left brain students who I try to "push" out of the box. They always do very clean work, turn things in on time but really struggle with thinking up anything new. Its really interesting to me.
Patricia - What a wonderful combination for a workshop. I bet it was great! Jen
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