
Win some you ....Well you know the rest

My sale has come and gone. I'm so worn out today I'm in a daze. I'm going to go do some shopping today since its tax free shopping for school stuff and then visit with a friend over dinner and a movie. I always seem to need this kind of treat after a big event.

I had decide last year to only do my home show once a year because of all the work involved. Its just not me who has to get everything together when there is a family involved. I always need a lot of help from Joey and my family to keep the kids occupied, spiff up the house and what not. Of course they are always supportive of my efforts but this show was a bit of a disappointment and Joey said he thinks I need to just forget the home show business and focus on another show. Seems I always have lots of people who want to get on my mailing list and seem really excited when I say I have a show at my house but this year....few showed up. The weather was hot out side and it was a big shopping day, but one does get pretty bummed out when you feel like your support is not there. I do thank everyone that did come out. I love doing the sale and visiting with people but for some reason it was just not in the stars this go around. My friend Amy that did the show with me was great company and we made plans for doing a workshop together but I of course felt responsible for the lack of traffic to my home.
So onto other things. The calendar of evants keeps rolling along. I have a super busy August still and September. I did get a great suggestion from a customer about a vase shape to try so I think this week I'm going to start on that. When I get some made, I'll put a photo up hopefully and get some good feedback.

It will be great this week to get back to some normal activities with the kids. Quaid is back from a wonderful trip to DC with my folks. For being a 5 year old he really soaked up a lot about Mt. Veron and George Washington , which little by little we've been hearing about each day. It was so wonderful to see his little face come beaming into the back yard on Saturday saying" I"mmmm back!!"

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