Well the light box has a home. This evening I'll spend some time fooling with getting the paper to lie down and see if I can shoot some images. Wish me luck! We had a hard time deciding where this permanent set-up should go. Since I would like to have start an Etsy site it seemed foolish to have a set-up that I had to put-up and take down especially since time is always a huge factor with anything we do around here. I don't really like the fact that I have to keep this in such a dusty place but it is the darkest "room" I have for taking photo's so if we are really good about keeping it covered when its not in use I think this will work well.

We did notice this weekend that right under where this table sits the water from next door is coming down so feverishly that its rotting a hole right through my work building. We also can not get behind there to patch it up due to how the fence next door was put in. Time is ticking away for some renovations around here. Oh.....what a dream to have a real studio!
I have a kiln cooling today and I have pots to trim so I'm getting ready to head out and work. We'll see if I can get some good photo's taken to share on Tuesday.
(I'm going to sit down this afternoon and re-post my upcoming shows. I have some good one's coming up in the fall with my pottery pals. Some how last week I managed to delete that section of my blog. Anyways, I'd rather get going to some pots...its all about prioritising right? .....so much do, so much to do!)
hi jen, it's a dilemma. i don't have a permanent place for my photo cube but i also don't have a place that will remain not dusty so not sure it'd be good to have a place to put it. of course i guess you can put a sheet over the works between shoots.
I hope to have a more permanent set up once I get moved in, the rv booth table top and the corian sink cover back drop is getting real old, especially since I have to twist Gary's arm to hold the corian, HA. what will you cover it with, plastic? that rotten spot would really worry me, ugh, it always seems to be something doesn't it?
Oh..I forgot to mention that I have serveral sheets that go over it when it is not in use!
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