We spent part of the weekend trying to figure out my light box. As you can see the kitchen table seemed to be the only place that we had adequate light, table room and space to try it out. We had alot of trouble getting my gradated background to work so we just played around with a black cloths. I'm so anxious to get my etsy site up and going I can hardly stand it! But, I want to make sure I've got some good shots before we start going on that...
I'm throwing more lidded cups, flower blocks, plates and large bowls. This weekend I fired some dinnerware for a customer and more small things like tiles and test glazes. The test glazes didn't come out so great so nothing to show there.
The beginning of the week always brings such promise for getting lots of stuff done. We'll see how I do!
i had a hard time getting my graduated background to work in my light box too. it kept shifting and the corners would flop over. i ended up sticking some little velcro tabs on the back of the background and onto the lightbox where i needed them. worked very well for me. and if you haven't seen it jeff campania has a post here http://jeffcampana.com/blog/2009/03/turning-pots-into-jpegs-part-one-the-setup/#more-231 that really helped me w/ my set up. but that's as far as i got. good luck!
What? No results from all of this set up?
OK, I'll wait...
Jen - I trimmed my background to fit & also added some velcro strips -- made it much easier to set-up. I have some boom lights now - but before I got those I bought a shop light from Home Depot (pretty cheap) and that helped with lighting.
we too are working with one of these and have not yet to find the comfort zone with it.
There seems to be some messing that still needs to be done.
Hey, I've got one light on top and one on each side shooting in. You'll get better results if you don't have another light source in the room. So if you are doing it there shoot at night or pull the shade. It will take some playing around with. See ya Friday!
......oh, once again, where is that assistant I ordered a few years to do all this playing around for me!
Thanks everyone for all the helpful hint. Joey and I will get at some point!
i remember that particular version of hell when i got my cube, same as yours it looks like. some things i do are, get those heavy duty hardware clip clamps and clamp the back to the edge of the table so the cube doesn't move. duct tape for the graduated bkgd which can be pressed from the outside once it's in place. i use two very large coffee table books to elevate the pieces and i think i had to trim a bit off the end of the graduated bkgd. then the lights, that's the real problem, trial and error with plenty of error.
Check out a post by Jopy Tanner on the Clay Club blog from Feb 2009. Her post is very comprehensive.
Jen, thank you for posting your tent. I have the same one, and I ahve been fighting with it. I've tried some of the suggestions and read some I haven't tried yet. Can't wait to see the images you shot.
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