Larkspur once again was a ball! It was also really hot and full of people! No big deal about the weather because all that meant was that we drink a lot of water, get a little delirious and had a lot of good laughs together while we where selling our work.

I think this year France had the most craftspeople than any other year. It was wall to wall tents everywhere around her wonderful gardens. Above is a photo of my tent and next to me is Tim Turners pots and paintings. Below is just a sneak peek at one of the my shelves.

The photo below sort of depicts what we do every year...basically sit under the shade and play musical chairs depending on which of us has a prospective customer in our booth that needs some attention. Other than that, we just sit under a big tree and talk shop and cut jokes back and forth at each other all day long. If you look closely you can see that Ron Philbeck made an appearance and looks like he fit right in on the banter back and forth!

Many of my friends where here but I only got a few booth shots that actually warranted some viewing up on my blog. Sorry goes out to Laura, Blaine, Betty, George,Jen, Brad and Lisa and so many more wonderful craftspeople.

My little helper that came with me ended up not wanting to tag along with Mommy for once. One evening of waiting around while Mommy put up the tent and hauled boxes back and forth from the truck was about all she could take. She ended up swimming, visiting with Grandma and some cousins and having all the attention one 6 year old twin could possibly want.
It was a great weekend! This week I plan on catching up on house stuff, yard work, some quiet time with my children and getting into the swing of the summer. Next week I think I'll start potting again...but you never know!
Your booth looks great. It looks like you had a good time, I hope you all sold a lot of work too.
I find it difficult to find time to pot while in also getting stuff ready for a show but it always feels good to get our hands back into the clay.
Sorry I missed you again this year. I had the farmer's market on Saturday and Wes had a gig on Sunday that I had to take her to because she can't drive on the interstate or after 9pm, so I had mommy caravan duty. Hope the sales were good!
Your booth DEFINITELY looks super. Your work looks superb.
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