
Beginning of the Another week

Tonight I worked on some simple, squared off but rounded jars. I haven't thrown any covered jars in ages and have had an hankerin' to make some. I use to own this really nice salt fired small lidded jar by a potter we use to carry at Cedar Creek. For the life of me I can not remember his name but I loved this pot. It was just a very nicely thrown round jar, about 6' high. It was porcelain with large sweeping brushes strokes of two different blues. The knob on the top had a little pattern stamped on top and the salting was very heavy. I had a room-mate in college who came home one night and knocked into it so it was toast. I never saw this person's work anywhere again. It could be they just changed there style but I started thinking about the pot the other day and got inspired.
We did take donuts over the my grandmother today and she was thrilled to us and the kids where thrilled with the donuts. I think its so important for little children to understand the importance of just visiting people even if its not the most exciting thing to do. Quaid was very sweet today because my grandmother asked him to clear the table for her and unlike the reaction I would get from him ( which would be a sigh or a whine) he hoped right up and helped her. I hope he'll have some good memories of having a great grandmother some day.


Vicki Gill, potter said...

Hey, tried to leave a comment yesterday but don't think it went through. Still new at this.

Enjoy all your posts about being mom and doing clay around a full time life. It brings back a lot of memories for me of my children when they were small.

Hope the construction gets down to a decent noise level soon.

Jen Mecca said...

You sound busy.Glad to hear you foot is back in business. Let me know how that Belmont farmers market goes for you.
You should put a map on your blog so you can see where it is that people look you up. Its so much fun to see all the hits you get!
Have a good one. Jen