Blogging buddies
So......I thought keeping this virtual journal for all to see may connect with another just like myself that could relate to the duel life of motherhood and being a crafts person. With that said, as time marches on I don't get to spend as much time really thinking about my entries and how well written they are or if they are even interesting to anyone. Half the time I don't even get enough pottery photo's up to show what I'm doing so I've thought to myself, "why do I call it The Pottery Blog"? I have to admit, some days I can see tons of comments on one person site and none on mine for days and I may get a little hurt. I'd like to think I have a thick skin but really....... then I remember the real reason I do this is for me and that one other mom out there.
I got a nice email today from a mom and a potter who lives in Canada and it did really make my day. Its so intriguing to get email or comments from people you have never met but want to connect with you in some way. I think with in the last year or so many potters are blogging and its kind of a great networking tool for everyone. I have potters I have never seen there work add me to their blogger list, which is such a nice gesture. Since Joey put my blog together, there are some sites I have to admit I have only read once. Most days, as I've said, I hardly have time to write something on my own blog let alone read others! Tonight I spent some time cleaning my "connection" folder and also reading blogs by some pretty well known potters. Here are just a few that have some really nice blogs. When I read them I can tell they take the time to think about what they write and they are good at editing. Once again, my thin skin gets a little hurt when I look back on my crazy writings and thoughts and all the wonderful feed back they get but than I come back to earth and realise that I am me and not everyone can keep up with the pack. Isn't there a saying about people who march to there own drum?
(Hey, maybe I just wrote a well thought out blog entry....)
Enjoy these, you may even find some other blog sites that you didn't know about~
Michael Kline , Kristen Kieffer , Kari Radasch , Keith Kreeger
National Teapot show VII
all the teapots in this show. I'm looking forward to the opening next Friday!
National Teapot Show VII
June 6 – September 7, 2008
Opening Reception June 6, 2008 6 – 10pm


I turned another year older today and enjoyed a day of quiet solitude and reflection with myself. Joey has made this week my"birthday Hanukkah"~ many fun days for me! I love birthdays and I come from a long line of women who love birthdays! I enjoy the actual day of my birthday because I really do like to think back on what I've done this year and what I'm looking forward to in the year to come. I was tickled last week to find a photo of my butter dish in Clay times. That was a good birthday gift. My son is learning how to appreciate the little things I do for him by making a special effort to tell me how much he enjoyed this or that. That's a great birthday gift. Both the girls are asking how to write words..yet another good gift. My goofy-lovable friend Mary Anna sang happy birthday to me on the answering machine in her best opera voice. That was a good birthday gift.
Now all I need is a cup-cake!

Welding...the kilns back on

TaDa!!!!!! Onto the getting the plumbing hooked up.
Midlands Clay Art Society
10-4. I'll be showing some slides and doing demo's of throwing and altering plus some surface treatment. I'm excited! New people to meet and a pot-luck lunch...the best part of being of potter! For more information you can contact Tim Graham.
One more week to go of none stop end of the school year events. I did not get much done in my studio this week which makes me feel so guilty, but this weekend it will be nothing but clay and staying at home. With gas almost to $4.00 a gallon who wants to go anywhere! It is so crazy to me I can not get my mind around the price of gas!!!
If your out there enjoying Memorial Day this weekend, soak up some of the traveling holiday for me as well!
Mid Week

A few platters where made today, cups to go with my teapots and handles on a few pitchers. I even managed to get some paper work/book keeping down in the car-pool line today. Whenever I think of a bright idea like taking my receipts and three ring binder with me to the car-pool line, I'm feeling pretty good about myself!
The weather is the best it can be in my studio. Not to cold and not to hot. I love May and October on my porch!
I posted a few shows my little group is doing in the fall on our website so if you get the chance, check that out under Circle of Eight. In the last few days I've been reading and looking at a lot of blogs.- I'll post my findings and thoughts in the next day or two....it is late....sleep is needed.
Colored Clay

Out of the kiln

Wed. night
Kent State Cup Show
Mothers Day Weekend

At the speed of light

Starting to load

The plastic came down..

Here is what my studio looks like in the winter.....
plastic everywhere to keep the cold at bay.
It is the best feeling to have my music going, my kids laughing outside, the breeze blowing through, the sunshine coming in and me..making pots. I think we must of had a good share of rain this spring because my Iris are blooming like crazy in all my beds. I love to look out everyday to see what has popped up. We still have an enormous amount of mulch to find a home for. We need to get going on our veggie garden this coming weekend if we are planning on reaping any of the rewards of planting.
Here is what my studio looks like in the summer. All screened in with what seems like an open area in the middle of our grassy yard. No walls, just screen unless you count the little bit of plastic I leave up as a splash gard from my wheel.
It is a week of the fast turn around. Saturday is the Clay Guild spring show in Charlotte. I have a good amount of pots in stock so I'm making fillers and going ahead with my engobe tests. Mid-week I should have some results to post.
Mint Demo
We had a pretty good turn out I thought for the demo. Some people just came to watch and others did bring their lunch up to the terrace and enjoyed that company of a friend or the lovely weather that we had in Charlotte today.
I had several thoughts today once I was home about how much energy it takes out of one to get ready mentally for a demo and the whole setting up and taking down that also goes along with it all. Its the being "on" for a crowd of people that makes me enjoy so much getting back in my car, turning up the radio and letting out a big sigh of relief. I'm sure all of this I am describing just solidifies that fact that I'm a introvert disguised as an extrovert. I do think that this is true about most creative people and we teach ourselves how to interact with people and finally feel secure for being a bit...off sometimes. I guess I kind of see it as being a comic up on stage.
So, tonight I'm blogging and then jumping into bed with my DVD player to watch a serious about Abraham and Mary Lincoln that I've been interested in seeing. Tomorrow I will be back working in the studio ( after a few soccer game of course!)
Funny drawings