
Out of the kiln

I'm happy to report that this evening I started to fool with the lid of my house box and successfully got it off. I use to do the old whack-the-pot with a stick routine but I have to admit, that doesn't always work. If it does work successfully I usually get one little place that has a chip from the whacking. A few weeks ago in my class one of my students demonstrated her technique of getting a lid off which was taking an utensil, such as a knife and sort of placing the blade in the edge of the lid and than hammering down on the utensil. Once you see someone do this it all makes sense and to my student Angela, who is an engineer, the solution to this problem came like second nature to her thought process. Once again, I learn so much from teaching! Thanks Angela, my lid came off with no chips or cracks.

I did save a few pots from my last firing. Once again I wish my camera look better photo's because these are a bit blurry. I have a birthday the end of this month so maybe the camera fiery will come visit me! ( Of course the cleaning, clothing and dinner fairy have already been booked so I may have to keep posting blurry photo's for awhile.)
The weeks progress on pots has been slow. I'm on my own this weekend with the girls because Joey and Quaid are on a father and son adventure up help one of Joey's older sisters move. I have some activities planned for the girls so down time for them can be my work time. We'll see how it goes~


Becky said...

Jen these are beautiful! The colour is stunning!

I loved your comment "I learn so much from teaching."

Much wisdom there.

Anonymous said...

Jen - you are welcome and I'm glad the lid came off with no chips. So one little teeny piece of knowledge from me traded for all you have taught me in class.

Actually use a wooden tool - like your wooden stick and just give it a tap. Knowing me and a metal knife, I'd put a hole through the piece.