
Needed Escape

Last night I got to escape for an hour into the quiet world of Karen Karnes via the Cleveland County Independent Film Festival. I knew after hearing a few stories about her that she is extremely different than myself but I always find that seeing someone in my same discipline work and live differently than I do always does my spirit well. This film was so quiet, simple and serene in its nature that I thought the film maker captured Karen's serene, no nonsense way of life perfectly. She is someone that when you see her forms and hear her talk, you totally see the connection between the two. I felt so relaxed when I came out of the film I think I drove home going 45 instead of my usual pushing the peddle to the metal to get where ever I need to go in a timely fashion( this is on the interstate of course). Karen lives in Vermont among wonderful trees, brooks and nature all around. One could not help but be serene. ( Maybe we can transform our water issues with our neighbor into a babble-brook so I can have a bit more serenity in my life! ha)

Karen had a great quote that I wrote down in the dark of the movie theater that hit home for me:

"There are no big leaps from where you are..."

I need to put that on a big piece of paper in my studio. In the context of this quote she was talking about how so many young potters want to be brilliant early on. Such a direct smack in the face and so true.

...back to Art Appreciation, today's lecture...Graphic Design.


Sister Creek Potter said...

Jen, I read your blog daily and appreciate it greatly. Today you sent me off in search of Karen Karnes. I Googled for more info and at the end of the second page (of many pages) your blog entry was given! Isn't that fun!
I'd love to see the film--perhaps it will find its way to San Anotnio one of these days.
I've enjoyed seeing your pretty butter dish in many different settings.

Jen Mecca said...

Thanks Gay! The film was wonderful and I'm sure it will be offered at some point in various clay shops. ( to funny my comment came up...)
sometimes this internet thing is a bit creepy for me! I see your name on Ron's blog at times. He was the one who told me about the film. I wondered if we where the only potters in the group that night.
Peace! Jen

Joy Tanner said...

That quote strikes a note with me as well. I have to remind myself sometimes in my goals in the studio that I am what I am right now and console myself that I know I've always tried my best. The small successes are better in the end than huge leaps would ever be, I think. I hope I can get a chance to see that film. Thanks for sharing.