
Feeling like a .......


Don't you hate it when you go to bed with such big plans for the coming day? Well..this is where my story begins.......

Today was going to be the first big day back in the studio. Cleaning to do, clay to make, maybe a few mugs could be thrown. What a wonderful vision that danced in my brain right before my head hit the pillow.

Woke up, got my kids feed, dealt with the mornings usually whines and grips, did the 1/2 drive to school and on the way home... sheer bliss in the car with my coffee and NPR and thoughts about clay! Clay, marvelous, guppy, fresh clay going into my pug mill and coming out of the pug mill.

Got my morning chores done, checked a few emails, made some coffee, put on my winter weather gear and out I went! Put the kiln on so the shed would not be freezing. Got my radio set for some good stories and news and started my journey, one bag at a time of scrap clay from one building to the next. I even made a little workout of the whole thing. There I was with each bag doing lunges across our lawn. ( My neighbors already think I'm a little batty so ....) Twelve to be exact all while taking my bags of clay from one building to the next. I tell ya', 12 bags can really give your "buns" a workout. I was so proud of myself. One less thing to do at the gym!

So there I was with all my bags ready to go. Got some warm water to put in the hopper and before I even thought about it, I turned the pug-mill on.

Now, lets think on this...
All across the North East what has been going on?
Cold weather...
And what does that do to solids that have water in them?
Why...they freeze!
And so what was in my pug-mill?
Frozen clay!
And what do you think happened?

Like I said......I feel like an Nimrod.

Tomorrow will be spent ordering parts.


heidi haugen: days with clay said...

you are not alone...the only reason that i know all of my machines so well is because i've broken, miswired, misused, etc...every one. today it was a incognito shear pin on the snowblower which required a long trip to town....chin up.

DirtKicker Pottery said...

Ahhh Poop-a-doop!
Sorry about your pugmill. Great read.

Tracey Broome said...

Oh man! Bet I would do the same thing if I had a pug mill. If it can be broke, I can do it! I had similar plans for the day, and got very little made because Gerry was off yesterday and wanted me to go shopping with him for his upcoming trip. And since I'm doing that family first thing, I got nothing done for myself!

Judi Tavill said...

Oh boy. Ouch. I really do feel for you. The whole perfect morning and then Bam. Story of my life. Clearly, you are not alone. Nimrods Unite!

Anonymous said...


vicki hartman said...

That stinks! But i loved the build up in the story. Good luck with the fix!

Lori Buff said...

Oh, no. I would probably have done the same thing. But look on the bright side, you've still gotten in that work out. Hopefully your buns of steal will stay warmer than your pug of steal.
Best wishes for a speedy fix.

Linda Starr said...

ugh, I have done so many things similar and call myself clutz, stupid, dummy, etc. - nimrod sounds so much more poetic like the way you told your story.

Trish said...

well, yes, craptastic!! Spring is only three months away..!:( :)..
Hope your day improves, and thanks for sharing such a well written story.
Trish from Alberta --where it is ridiculously cold again today!

Gary's third pottery blog said...


Chrissy Ann Ceramics said...

Oh, lousy! You know, I would have done the same thing! Pugmill is still on my studio *wish* list..
Best of luck fixing her up!

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about it jen, you know, equipment problems never come at convenient time and it seems they are more likely when it's freezin' cold out. hope the repairs go off without a hitch. love the word nimrod... one of my dad's favorites, maybe it's a central ny thing?

Julia said...

I laughed out loud at your comment that you did lunges with the bags of clay across your yard since your neighbors already think you are a little odd~

So sorry about your pugmill - what a pain to have to fix!