Aydan gets her frogs..

For those of you who followed my pollywog's drama, here is her tank. She is sharing it with her sister and brother. We have five baby frogs and they all have names! ( I'll have to find those out again....in fact I think they may change on a daily basis! This drives brother crazy!!)
Last night and today was so great just hanging out with my gang. Last night we watched The Fabulous Mr. Fox and today we went to play at the kids school. Good times.
Tomorrow I'm going to take some photo's of my recent pots. Can't wait to see if I remember all the steps from last week.
Got a rejection letter from 500 vases yesturday. Boy that hurt! And those where professional images so as we all know, its all so subjective. Back to the drawing board. I would really love to get more photo's in some how-to books or something along those lines. If anyone out there knows of any publisher looking for entries, I would love to know!
Good night all...
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Baby frogs, what fun. Sorry about the rejection letter, not sure why though as your vases are so beautiful and unlike any others.
Will those frogs be able to jump out of that tank soon? lol.
Sorry about not getting into the Lark vases book -- your vases are amazing. I didn't know they were going to send out any notification -- that you'd just find out when the book is released.
Looking forward to seeing more of your photos.
I can't believe you got a reject from Lark, what were they thinking? I submitted something too but haven't got a letter or notice of any kind. I thought that if you got in you got a book and if you didn't get in you figured it out when you didn't get the book. I saw the book on their website, hope our local bookstores get them in so I can check it out. Sorry, but their loss!!
yay for the frogs... they're collectively in as much trouble as the bees. hope they thrive for you all. sorry to hear about the rejection letter. i'm still waiting for word on the same publication... maybe it's good that i haven't heard? not sure about where to look but pottery making illustrated takes submissions ongoing and they might be interested in how you put together some of your more ornate pieces, especially with the sprigging and such. of course, what do i know, but they will pay you if they decide to publish.
the 500 vases person(s) weren't thinking.
I am suprised your work did not get in. It is well made and attractive, so I guess there was little hope for me; I got my "not included: letter yesterday.
Better luck to you next time!
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