I've only ventured out to my studio to unpack pots and pick-up a bit. Its still alittle disheveled from my last glaze marathon. I managed to finally get my pug-mill back today. When I showed up to get it the motor wasn't attached and the guy who fixed it was trying to explain to me what I needed to do when I got home to put the motor back on. One blank look from me was all he needed to remember that he had the other part and needed to find it and put it back together for me!! The whole ordeal only cost me $48 bucks ( where that number came from I have no idea). If I could have this evening I would have started pugging clay but I was to busy with my Domestic Goddess duties to be a potter so I guess it will have to wait until I'm back from vacation.

I updated my show information today. I was thrilled to be invited to a dinnerware show at the Worcester Center for Crafts, in Worcester MA. I can't wait to get back to start on this project.

the butter keeper looks like the birds are flying while holding a sheet-i love the movement in this!
have a nice break away from it all.
Hope you have a great holiday!
Your pieces look great, photography is still something I'm developing myself but imho yours look better than mine!
sure, I would KILL for that teapot, yes I would....
beautiful pieces jen... i like the photo of the stacked pieces
ha good one, i know that face well....yeh back to pugging..
I always find that photos just can't capture the real color and depth of a glaze, too. But your pots are still obviously lovely! :D
Those are some fine looking pots!!
I absolutely love your work.
Oh these pieces are soooo beautiful.
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