I had a wonderful mini-vacation while also working a bit - if you call it work!

I headed up to Blowing Rock on Friday and met two friends of mine from back in the day when I first was learning how to throw a pot. One of my friends Laurel was room-mate and co-worker of mine when I worked at Cedar Creek Gallery and Amy managed another gallery in Raleigh around the same time. We were all single back than and no matter when we get together, it is nothing but laughter and none stop talk! I think our friendship is going on about 20 years now! It funny as time goes by how many changes we have all gone through and can find humor in every drama we have each experienced.
Amy's family happens to have a little house/stable near Blowing Rock so this is where I spent my weekend. Here is photo of one of the horses Froggy and although the photo does not show it, we slept in a little loft above three very quiet horses! Its nice to have a free place to stay in such a beautiful settings.

Amy and Laurel where real troopers with helping me get this whole thing set up. This is the second year they have helped me out. Hopefully we can make this an annual event since we all live up and down the East Coast now. These friends of mine have alot of funny memories about that first Blowing Rock they experienced with me when I was on a incline and was not a happy camper! The whole set up was held together with Bungee-cords and they managed to calm me down every time my racks looked like they where about the tumble over. No one actually knows what its like to haul tents, deal with bad weather and packing and unpacking a truck and they love to tell anyone who walks into my booth how hard it is to be a potter! ( In a joking manner that is....)
I think this is about the only serious photograph I have of these two gals. In fact, I think our whole row of craft men came by and remarked at how much the three of laughed that whole day. I'm sure of the conversations our next door neighbors heard where quit entertaining!

We did get a little rain that day but nothing too bad and the crowds still came out and bought pots so of course, it was all worth the journey there.
Above is a photo's of those tooth-brush cups I posted a few weeks ago. They where gone by the end of the day. All the butter dishes got sold and I think I have one tall vase left.

Its time for a little R&R for me. Joey and I will be heading up to Tenn. for a family vacation. This summer, once again, I've learned alot about my time at home with the kids and really how much I can get done. Next year I think I may change my show schedule a bit in the summer. I do have another Blowing Rock when a few weeks after I take a little break with the family. More on that soon.....
Your work and your booth looks great, have a great vacation.
Thanks Linda! I'm looking forward to it!
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