( Boy that was some introduction!)
We'll we did have a good time on our trip to Gatlinburg. Maybe in my next post I'll do the Mom thing, and put up some photo's of our family adventures. Today I thought I'd keep it pottery related and because lets face-it, even when your on most vacations, and your a potter, your still sort of seek out art or pots of some sort.

Arrowmont School of Craft is right in the heart of Gatlinburg and I've enjoyed many trips there for classes and Conferences. But my most favorite part of visiting Arrowmont is seeing my old friend from East Carolina, Amy Evans and Chuck McMahon. Amy and I where in Grad School School together and at times seemed like the only females in the department making girly pots so naturally, we stuck together and had many, many silly adventures. Chuck also was in the pottery department and graduated before the two of left and went onto to work for Highwater clay in Asheville/Florida and than moved onto Arrowmont and was studio coordinator for the ceramic department.( I think that was the right title for what he did..correct me if I mis-spoke!) Somewhere in all this Amy and Chuck met up again and got married and we've kept in touch.

I did also stop by the school to see a former student of mine but while I was all the lights went off so I didn't get any good photo's of the work that was in the gallery. I did see some pretty great pots because the summer instructors show was going on.
Here I am with a very cool mug. One of the best things about visiting with Chuck and Amy is that they have a pretty great pottery collection. Wish I had asked who's mug this is or even who's bowl it was that Joey made this great salad in. ( Looks like the shot is right out of Gourmet magazine!)

Amy and Chuck have two little boys Eli and Finley. In fact, Finley is just about 3 months old so we is pretty new to this world and it was nice meeting these two little guys. Eli just turned 4 and didn't really know what to make of our three taking over his little world that evening.

Here's Chuck with Finley.

I couldn't pass up sharing this little photo!

So funny to think back on the times we were just students running around the pottery building or out getting a beer or even being eager new potters without any obligations other than trying to make a bunch of pots. Thirteen or so years later, Amy is teaching full time at Walter State and hasn't had much time to make pots ( which is a shame because she makes wonderful pots!) and Chuck is going back to school full time for computer programming and also has no time to make any great pots as well. Babies and four year olds can do that to ya'! And of course there is myself, my little crew and Joey doing what we do. I have Blowing Rock again in 3 weeks, a bunch of special order and even though my pugmill is back working and I'm eager to get started, I'm sure what spurts of time I'll have between now and than. Guess I better stop typing and get going!
nice- really nice that you keep in touch- and kids will do that to you!
The mug is made by Mikey Walsh http://mikeywalsh.com/
Thanks Arthur! I'll have to check that out.
Arromont looks good I'd really like to go! Glad to hear that its a nice place to visit and attend for classes.
I have a great memory of making new friends and visiting some great artists studios when I visited Arrowmont on my trip around the country many years ago. It's a magical place. Glad you enjoyed your trip.
Yep, Mickey Walsh! I love her work and would like to have a pot of hers. Glad you had a nice trip. See ya next week.
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