
Back from conference

I got back from Ashborough today and am in the midst of taking off my "potters hat" and putting back on my "Mom, wife and house-cleaner" hat( I'm sure there is more titles there that I can come up when I really think about it.) As I've said before whenever I go away it seems that Joey does a better job than I do at cleaning and cooking upon my return so I am MORE than lucky in that department.

I do have photos to share from my trip and even images I took before I left. I'm not sure if I'll get any of those up this evening because I am nipping at the bit to get in my studio this evening. Workshop, of course, always give me a big kick in the backside to get going once again. Tomarrow morning I am being interviewed for a local magizine so I also need to clean up my studio (even though that is not really the way I live or work I guess). So..check back and I'll be full of news, thoughts, photo's and what little wisdom I have.


Becky said...

Which magazine, Jen? I'll be on the lookout for it! Glad you had a great time at the conference!

Jen Mecca said...

Its a local York County magazine. Just a little blip on the map but exciting anyways.jen

Scott Smith said...

Hey, let us know when you'll be in the York County magazine so we can pick up a copy! I hope you're keeping copies of all of the articles about your work. Someday when you win the Nobel prize for pottery, people will want to see that stuff in your museum!

And do me a favor, tell Joey to stop making the rest of us look bad with the cooking & cleaning.