
Weather Delays

As everyone in the North/South east, we too got snow last night. It was great! The kids and I had fun today and I did manage to get a little bit done. I even added some more names to my blog list! Ye-Ha! This evening I even braved the cold in my studio and trimmed some things. Today I revamped some Art History tests and assignments so I guess it was a sort of successful day with a little fun thrown in.
Tomorrow school is closed again because they fear black-ice around here. This sort of puts a bit of a cramp in my day since I have to teach tomorrow and I had also planned on getting some much needed clay at our local vendor here in Charlotte. One must always be flexible in the world of motherhood! Time to give old Marilyn and Tom a call for some free babysitting tomorrow.....my parents are the best!


Anonymous said...

Isn't it just sooo miserable trying to make the fingers work in the freezing weather. I think we are about to have a nice reprieve this weekend with temps in the 70's! Spring and Summer are around the corner (then you will get to hear me whine about the heat)!

Have a good one...

Gary's third pottery blog said...

:::snort,snicker::: we had ZERO snow in Ithaca from that storm....