Joey has been working really hard on putting my new website together. It will have an etsy page, mailing list, lots of photo's, a flicker ( flicka..whatever) account and my blog. He's also trying to get me to do a few video's. I sort of just wanted one with me throwing to music but he'd like me to come up with a how-to video. I'm not really sure what to demo in sections but if any of you have any suggestions please feel free to let me know.
(I think a few words of crazy wisdom about motherhood could be added as well. Maybe my daily back and forth with my children in and out of my studio door. I think my advise would be more like that of the Erma Bonbeck of the craft world...but Joey won't go for that. )
We where playing around with photo's this weekend and Joey took some cool shots looking through my finished pots. Here is Quaid getting some input on a cartoon he was drawing.

For anyone who has purchased my work in that last two years you know that I write on the bottom of my pieces about what is going on in my world. I thought it would be a cool idea for my new website to have a photo of me drinking from a cup that said "Read my Blog" on the bottom of it.

We had a few technical problems with that...mainly the style of my mug and my nose! Joey and I have a lot of jokes about my nose..all in fun. I'm half Italian and look just like my Dad so nothing else needs to be said about that really...

Maybe next week we'll try again at a different angle.
I'm trying to get some good work made for an upcoming show in
Salisbury NC, called Pottery 101. The teapots are taking a LONG time!
I like the idea of having the message on the bottom of the pot. Very cool!!
I think you have a great nose. I to am Italian and have the same nose type. Love your pottery.
Keep the nose it suites you!
Noble as my mother would say.
The messages- love it- the Cole Sister write messages on their pots.
The weather and thought s that run through their heads.
i have one that says- this pot was made just for you.
i love the message on my mug from you: "making hot dogs." it makes me think about how you run a whole household as well as your studio.
tough to photograph mid-use though, huh? nose or not.
I'd do a zoom in to the base of the cup so you can see the point, then cutaway to some cups or a shot from your blog emphasizing the cups too...
I love that first shot, it's a keeper.
Have ya seen MY NOSE????
Love all of the photos and I am WAITING PATIENTLY to see this website...
*she says twiddling thumbs while pacing the room....*
I would love to see video of a day in the life...I'll give you mine if you give me yours...CRAZINESS... right?
You know... You were one of the very first bloggers(maybe THE FIRST blogger)I started reading and the ability to totally relate was SO HELPFUL... LOVE it...
love the pics...too funny!!!! i think they work best as a series...
Erma Bombeck of the craft world would be awesome; I wish you would do that.
can't wait to see the new website... i think we all need an erma bombeck of the clay world... at least those of us not too young to know who she is
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