I'm gearing up for my annual trip to Raleigh the first weekend in June. Once again I'm all excited about the 15
th Annual Larkspur Party. I use to think it was sort off funny that Frances, the women who hosts this wonderful
event called it a "party" and not a sale. But we have such a great time together its almost not even work!Look at this great cast of characters this year who will be selling wonderful things.

An added bonus to this weekend is that
Cousins in Clay is only about an hour and 1/2 down the road from us in
Seagrove NC. If your a pottery addicted you can come to Larkspur on Saturday and than hop down the road to Cousins in Clay on Sunday! ( I was hoping
cousins was on another weekend so I could go and get some pots from some of these folks!) My good friend
Allison McGowen will be a guest along with
Val Cushing. What a line up! Allison, along with
Kyle Carpenter will also be showing with
Julie, Amy and myself in the fall. More information to come about that sale.
All very exciting stuff going on in our next of the world here in North Carolina.

Just a few photo's of stuff stuff in process. Dinner plates and bottles....

Here is just a nice little grouping that came out of the kiln the other day.

So, I had no takers on those plants...guess I'll just have to wait and see what they do when they bloom.
I'm off to work a bit more in my studio. My online courses start back up on Monday ( sigh) I have to admit its been so nice just working away and being a potter. Back to the job of education! I hope everyone has a good weekend and if your in the Salisbury area, please stop by the show at Pottery 101.
really lovely forms out this week and hope you sell well at your shows/partys..:)
Hi Jen
I got an invite in the mail, snail mail. It looks different than the one in your post, but it is the same show. Did you send it to me. I'm really excited to get it, but extremely surprised.
I just adore the sprigging on your work...
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