Today I got on the ball and printed out some applications for juried shows. I haven't applied to anything like this in over a year due to my "photo" situation I guess. The other day I decided I needed to get back into the game, spend some money and get into some shows around the country.

It was a busy weekend for us with my Mom's party on Friday, Joey having some co-workers over for dinner on Saturday night and mothers day on Sunday. My only request for mothers day was to have no responsibilities for anything but myself and for the most part, I got my wish. Breakfast in bed, the paper, lots of hugs, handmade cards, a walk with my son and alone time in my studio. It was bliss!
We had a wonderful party for my Mom on Friday night and I managed to surprise her with all her co-workers and my sister family who showed up from Raleigh for the occasion. This was also sort of send off for us. Our children go to the same school my mother teacher for and next year we will be transferring to a new charter school near by. We have loved, loved, loved Gaston Day School but for many reason, none of which the wonderful education nor environment this school offers...well, we needed to move on.

Nothing is better than a huge birthday cake!

Just a few shots in the studio......
Back to work some more this afternoon.
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