Weekend evants
Today the weather was bright and sunny again. Quaid had his first soccer game of the season and actually scored two goals. What a change from last year when he stood out in the field picking clover. ( I use to call him Ferdinand if you all know that book). He was so excited yesterday when he got his uniform that he slept in it. Its so wonderful to see a kid thrilled about just the smallest things in life. Cheap thrills I call them. So, he had a great day.
I took a trip up to Hendersonville NC to have lunch with a friend of mine and visit a potential new gallery there( new for me). I got all my information together and gave it to the gallery owner and we'll see what happens. It was a nice gallery but I think they cater to a more neutral look so we'll see since my stuff is pretty bright. You never know. On Friday I met with some people at The Balintyne (sp) resort here in Charlotte about ordering some of my things for the resort. I have a good friend who works there and set the whole thing up for me, which was really nice. They seemed pretty interested and we'll see how that goes as far as ordering stuff. Its always exciting to see what new accounts I can drum up each year. I use to think you needed to always stick to the same galleries but I've learned that rotation is good and I know from working at Cedar Creek that you need to give some craftsmen a rest from the public eye so when you re-order,it looks new and sells better. ( at least when I get a fall order from somewhere and not a spring I like to tell myself they are giving my work a rest....maybe I'm fooling myself but it makes me feel better!)
Joey and I went out to eat this evening for the first time in awhile. He has been on the no carb diet for months and has lost a ton of weight. I am very envious of his success but happy that he feels good about his weight. Anyways, he really was looking forward to having a real meal this evening so we enjoyed some time just vegging at this restaurant together and having someone cook for us. ( well, Joey had someone cook for him since he likes to do the cooking in our house these days.)
Tomorrow I can not wait for studio time. I'm going to finish up some boxes I've been working on and start doing some decorating to get stuff moving along to the bisque kiln. I've decided that I'm going to stick with mainly black for the brush work and whatever other technique I decide to embellish my pots with. I do have a good reason for this thought...but I'll wait to tell you later.
Good night.
I took a trip up to Hendersonville NC to have lunch with a friend of mine and visit a potential new gallery there( new for me). I got all my information together and gave it to the gallery owner and we'll see what happens. It was a nice gallery but I think they cater to a more neutral look so we'll see since my stuff is pretty bright. You never know. On Friday I met with some people at The Balintyne (sp) resort here in Charlotte about ordering some of my things for the resort. I have a good friend who works there and set the whole thing up for me, which was really nice. They seemed pretty interested and we'll see how that goes as far as ordering stuff. Its always exciting to see what new accounts I can drum up each year. I use to think you needed to always stick to the same galleries but I've learned that rotation is good and I know from working at Cedar Creek that you need to give some craftsmen a rest from the public eye so when you re-order,it looks new and sells better. ( at least when I get a fall order from somewhere and not a spring I like to tell myself they are giving my work a rest....maybe I'm fooling myself but it makes me feel better!)
Joey and I went out to eat this evening for the first time in awhile. He has been on the no carb diet for months and has lost a ton of weight. I am very envious of his success but happy that he feels good about his weight. Anyways, he really was looking forward to having a real meal this evening so we enjoyed some time just vegging at this restaurant together and having someone cook for us. ( well, Joey had someone cook for him since he likes to do the cooking in our house these days.)
Tomorrow I can not wait for studio time. I'm going to finish up some boxes I've been working on and start doing some decorating to get stuff moving along to the bisque kiln. I've decided that I'm going to stick with mainly black for the brush work and whatever other technique I decide to embellish my pots with. I do have a good reason for this thought...but I'll wait to tell you later.
Good night.
Helios issues

Before I went to NCECA I had some problems with my clay that has never happened to me before. I'm still not sure what happened but I got a whole new batch last week and figure that hopefully it won't happen again. I just thought I'd put a photo of it up here before I pitched the pieces that it happened to. At the time I was really pissed because they where big pieces and I wanted them for my show but after looking at them for awhile in my studio I kind of think the clay gods where doing me a favor by "killing" them in the kiln. Everyone I seem to know around me makes there own clay and I just don't have the time , equipment or option to do this so I've been at the mercy of the local clay company and I the last 6 years or so, I haven't been to thrilled. Maybe one day, I can make my own ( of get my kids to do it for an some money...hummmm that's a thought down the line!) ( On second thought I'd have to wait until they where 16 or so just to have the strenght to lift the bags! )
Yesterday I went and had some photo's made at this wonderful studio. This guy had one of the nicest set up I've ever seen...huge equipment and what a camera! I'm hoping for awesome slides to help me more with my quest to get in some bigger shows.
I've got alot of stuff coming up in the next two months and I'm getting nervous about producing all of it. Last night I was up until 12 and then my kids got me up at 5:30 so my plans for this morning where really thrown off. I hate that because napping instead of working while the kids are gone makes me feel really guilty but if I work and then don't have energy for them, I'm not being fair to them because I'm just super cranky. So, I napped and hopefully after dinner tonight I can get a lot done. .
in school every morning next year I'm looking forward to seeing how much more I can get accomplished and hopefully I can help more at night with getting everyone to bed at a decent time in a relaxed setting. Some nights its crazy for my husband to just do it alone now that Quaid is in school and has homework.
Well, I'm off to the carpool lane!
Getting things Done
I feel like I've gotten a lot done this week, which makes me happy. I put up lists around the house so I don't forget about things. I'm sure anyone visitor coming into the house might think I'm kind of crazy. I have in my head that I know I can get all I need to accomplished in one day and I've set out to do it as best I can. I'm sure this sounds a bit elementary to most people but when you have two little girls at your feet its not as easy at it sounds. It almost like I have to pencil in down time for all the "antics" they bring up during the day. I have two very active girls and when my boy gets home if the TV is not on its usually chaos around here. I always had my kids on some sort of schedual so they know what to expect each day. At 4 o'clock, they have cartoon time and this gives me a chance to laydown a bit or get done things I still have to do with out interuptions. I'm pretty brain-dead at that time of the day and if I have screaming or chaos going on I usually lose my cool so the 4 o'clock TV breaks works well for everyone. I often think if I wasn't such a private person I try to get on that show "Super Nanny" because many days I feel like I need some wisdom and help to whip everyone in shape.
I managed to get to a great photographer today and have some professional slides made. I use to try and take my own and at the time I thought I did a fairly good job but I found a few years ago while entering big time sale/jury shows ( like the ACC and such), my slides needed improvement. My photo's did manage to get my into juried one piece shows but when you have to send a multitude of slides together, you need to take a bunch so they all look alike. Anyways I got that done and sent out a bunch of applications for shows. I've been back and forth on the phone with the city planning board about my kiln. ( And that is a whole nether entry in itself, lots of red tape this week). I've been working very steadily in the studio this week which has felt good. My teaching "gig" doesn't start back up again for another week so I'm enjoying my Thursday and Tuesday mornings kid free. In the afternoons I've managed to get outside to work in my flower beds as well because the weather here has been in the 80's. The kids broke out there pool and bathing suits this weekend so they think summer is around the corner. Boy am I not ready for school to end at all. Next week I'll have to add searching for lots of summer camps to my list.
I managed to get to a great photographer today and have some professional slides made. I use to try and take my own and at the time I thought I did a fairly good job but I found a few years ago while entering big time sale/jury shows ( like the ACC and such), my slides needed improvement. My photo's did manage to get my into juried one piece shows but when you have to send a multitude of slides together, you need to take a bunch so they all look alike. Anyways I got that done and sent out a bunch of applications for shows. I've been back and forth on the phone with the city planning board about my kiln. ( And that is a whole nether entry in itself, lots of red tape this week). I've been working very steadily in the studio this week which has felt good. My teaching "gig" doesn't start back up again for another week so I'm enjoying my Thursday and Tuesday mornings kid free. In the afternoons I've managed to get outside to work in my flower beds as well because the weather here has been in the 80's. The kids broke out there pool and bathing suits this weekend so they think summer is around the corner. Boy am I not ready for school to end at all. Next week I'll have to add searching for lots of summer camps to my list.
Try to stay focused
I feel like I've gotten alot done this week. I've arranged for photo's to be taken of my work, I've pre-packed up pots for a show I"m in, in a few weeks and I've applied to some shows and gotten pots thrown.
I still have been struggling everyday with staying focused on my decoration. I really want to do so much new stuff and I know I will...I always do. I just don't see how people do the same work over and over again and don't get sick of it. I'm always re-inventing my work. New forms, new surface..ect. I have stayed consistent with my glaze lately. I know changing work all the time has got to be bad but I think its also good. In my head everyday I just go back and forth. I obsess about it. How I can keep doing the surface work sort of the same way but different. I would love to come up with some new imagery for my pots but then I would really be getting away from continuity of some sort. Do I really have any??? So does this mean that those people that never change there forms or there surface don't "suffer" with some sort of attention issue? Does it mean they aren't as creative and that they are more mechanical in the way they go about learning and creating something?
I have alot of computer and math related people who take my class. I'm always kind of amused when I get a bunch of beginning students in my class and find out what they do for a living. The math or computer people usually have a hard time accepting that they can't make a perfect pot. When these people enter into my intermediate class, they have this issue as well. When I ask them what they would like to do for the session they say" perfect my pots". They always want to learn how to throw a classic, round simple form. So..I guess why I am talking about this is because I think maybe I've answered my question about jumping around with form and surface. I was never good at math....hated math except for geometry. Geometry you could "see" the math, it wasn't just numbers that made no sense. Algebra...oh good lord, it was a miracle I made it through that class. So.......I guess my pots will always change and I know one will never see a really classic, simple form on my sale shelves. Doesn't everything need to be altered???
I still have been struggling everyday with staying focused on my decoration. I really want to do so much new stuff and I know I will...I always do. I just don't see how people do the same work over and over again and don't get sick of it. I'm always re-inventing my work. New forms, new surface..ect. I have stayed consistent with my glaze lately. I know changing work all the time has got to be bad but I think its also good. In my head everyday I just go back and forth. I obsess about it. How I can keep doing the surface work sort of the same way but different. I would love to come up with some new imagery for my pots but then I would really be getting away from continuity of some sort. Do I really have any??? So does this mean that those people that never change there forms or there surface don't "suffer" with some sort of attention issue? Does it mean they aren't as creative and that they are more mechanical in the way they go about learning and creating something?
I have alot of computer and math related people who take my class. I'm always kind of amused when I get a bunch of beginning students in my class and find out what they do for a living. The math or computer people usually have a hard time accepting that they can't make a perfect pot. When these people enter into my intermediate class, they have this issue as well. When I ask them what they would like to do for the session they say" perfect my pots". They always want to learn how to throw a classic, round simple form. So..I guess why I am talking about this is because I think maybe I've answered my question about jumping around with form and surface. I was never good at math....hated math except for geometry. Geometry you could "see" the math, it wasn't just numbers that made no sense. Algebra...oh good lord, it was a miracle I made it through that class. So.......I guess my pots will always change and I know one will never see a really classic, simple form on my sale shelves. Doesn't everything need to be altered???
Peter and the wolf

I've spoken before about how when I was growing up I was inundated with classic music and really anything education that my parents could find. Of course my parents where both educators so this made perfect sense to them. I really appreciate all the places they took me to now, but at the time I was like any child who really just wanted to stop at "South of the Border" or go ride go-carts in Myrtle Beach. Well, the tradition lives on in the Lawler-Mecca house-hold because I got tickets this weekend for the whole family to see the Charlotte symphony put on "Peter and the Wolf", complete with the NC ballet performing along side. I do have to admit that "Peter and the Wolf" was one of my favorite records to listen to when I was young because it was someone reading you a story. ( This record along with my Electric Company and Toni Orlando and Dawn.) Well, it was really fun and I was glad that all my children seemed to really enjoy it. The whole time we were sitting there and I had my most "antsy" child on my lap ( Aydan), I was thinking about the time my mother took me and my sister to see "The Magic Flute". I remember to this day being such a wiggle worm and my mother trying anything she could do to keep me still. I can't say I really loved going to that, except for the costumes, but I do recognize the music to "The Magic Flute". Since I really don't like roller coasters and crowded amusement parks, I think I'll keep the tradition going with dragging my crew to educational places they will either love or hate.
Just when the day is planned out...
I got up this morning at my usual time on Thursday ( Joey gets to take Quaid to school on this day so I get to sleep in a bit) at 7. I got the girls up, feed, dressed and ready to go and the whole time I was planning on how to handle my day. I had free time in the morning with everyone at school and I knew the three important things to do today was work, go to get groceries, exercise and clean house pretty much in that order. I keep going back and forth in my mind on weather to run to the store in the morning with out any kids in toe ( because that truly can just wear me out) or go for a brisk walk and get right in the studio. I went over the list of things I needed to throw in my studio and decided that I would have to forgo the quiet trip to the store and just take the girls with me after school. I also decided that my walk had to be limited to 30 minutes because I had alot of things to throw today. Well... needless to say nothing of the sort happened. As usual I got the girls out to the car ( of course they had to run back in and pee, check on there worms they caught the day before, say Hi to the garbage man...it goes on and on until
I usually have to threaten them and they finally hop into the car.) I finally got them in the car and couldn't find my keys anywhere. This is not an uncommon thing for me because I lose my keys a lot! All I could think about was if I couldn't find my keys, my work time would be gone. I finally found them in the ignition of the car ( yes I left them there all night long because the day before one of the girls was crying about something when we pulled up the driveway and I'm sure I just rushed her inside and forgot my keys). When I got in the car, it wouldn't start. A friend of mine came to my rescue me and got the girls to school and we got my car jumped and off to the shop to fix whatever was wrong with it. So, no work this morning, no exercise. I did manage to get my mailing list done and of course I got to work tonight so it wasn't all bad. It was just so funny to me how with coffee in hand this morning, pushing people out the door, braiding hair, making beds I spent so much mental time plotting my morning for nothing but stress over a car. Happens to all of us...right?
I usually have to threaten them and they finally hop into the car.) I finally got them in the car and couldn't find my keys anywhere. This is not an uncommon thing for me because I lose my keys a lot! All I could think about was if I couldn't find my keys, my work time would be gone. I finally found them in the ignition of the car ( yes I left them there all night long because the day before one of the girls was crying about something when we pulled up the driveway and I'm sure I just rushed her inside and forgot my keys). When I got in the car, it wouldn't start. A friend of mine came to my rescue me and got the girls to school and we got my car jumped and off to the shop to fix whatever was wrong with it. So, no work this morning, no exercise. I did manage to get my mailing list done and of course I got to work tonight so it wasn't all bad. It was just so funny to me how with coffee in hand this morning, pushing people out the door, braiding hair, making beds I spent so much mental time plotting my morning for nothing but stress over a car. Happens to all of us...right?
Wed. is my favorite day
The girls and I had a good day today. I was thinking today at how much I enjoy Wednesday. Its the one day in the week when I don't have to be 3 million places, no teaching, no afternoon car pool, no running the girls to school, its just a good productive day at home. We usually go to the gym and the girls play while I "try" to burn some fat off, than we go to the library where they have story time. Today it was all about spring and the girls got to make a little garden in a cup. This was such a little thrill for them. I just love to see them excited about the simplest things. We planted some bulbs today and the got so tickled over all the worms that we found. Of course they wanted to name them and bring them into the house. I'm sure at this moment there are a bunch of worms in my yard recovering from "worm heart failure" over the two twins that kept dropping them and picking them back up.
Anyways, back to the library- I always notice how all the other mothers are always so made up and look so clean and polished. This is something that has alluded me every since I had Quaid. Its like I stayed in sweat pants during my pregnancy because I refused to spend a bunch of money on maternity cloths and now...I'm still in them. One reason I don't get all dressed up is obvious - if I can run out to work, I do ( but that is very rare). Another reason I don't is that I'm still in denial about getting into all my old cloth pre-pregnancy and if you don't feel good about how you look, why get dressed up. The third reason is that I'm always racing out the door and to tired to fuss. All of these are rotten excuses but today as I was looking around at everyone and than at myself the thought really hit home. If you hadn't noticed yet by my other entries, I'm not trilled about getting older and turning 40. I use to be that cute little "hipster" and now I'm just a frumpy mother. Guess this is something I defiantly have to work on more. ( My husband hears this constantly from me).
Anyways....the rest of the day was spent on much needed house cleaning, working on my mailing list, thinking about what needs to be done in the studio this evening and making lots of phone calls. I arranged to get some new photo's of my work shot and ordered some new supplies; this is always exciting! In the studio tonight I worked on new flower blocks and got handles on my new mugs. Joey even noticed I was doing a new mug shape and it seemed to meet his approval so I guess I'm off to a good start. I'll get some photo's up when I have a good amount of work to show.
Happy Wednesday!
Anyways, back to the library- I always notice how all the other mothers are always so made up and look so clean and polished. This is something that has alluded me every since I had Quaid. Its like I stayed in sweat pants during my pregnancy because I refused to spend a bunch of money on maternity cloths and now...I'm still in them. One reason I don't get all dressed up is obvious - if I can run out to work, I do ( but that is very rare). Another reason I don't is that I'm still in denial about getting into all my old cloth pre-pregnancy and if you don't feel good about how you look, why get dressed up. The third reason is that I'm always racing out the door and to tired to fuss. All of these are rotten excuses but today as I was looking around at everyone and than at myself the thought really hit home. If you hadn't noticed yet by my other entries, I'm not trilled about getting older and turning 40. I use to be that cute little "hipster" and now I'm just a frumpy mother. Guess this is something I defiantly have to work on more. ( My husband hears this constantly from me).
Anyways....the rest of the day was spent on much needed house cleaning, working on my mailing list, thinking about what needs to be done in the studio this evening and making lots of phone calls. I arranged to get some new photo's of my work shot and ordered some new supplies; this is always exciting! In the studio tonight I worked on new flower blocks and got handles on my new mugs. Joey even noticed I was doing a new mug shape and it seemed to meet his approval so I guess I'm off to a good start. I'll get some photo's up when I have a good amount of work to show.
Happy Wednesday!
I was having trouble yesturday posting something on the Mudmama's webpage so I emailed Lana, I just got a reply back that I thought I would post just in case others where having proublems. I admit I am horrible when it comes to the computer and figuring things out so maybe its just me but just in case..here is the email I got back. Jen
Hi Jen,
Lana Wilson forwarded your address to me, so I know you were having problems posting/reading. Perhaps these few instructions might help...
In order to post to the forum, first you must be a registered member and it appears that you are now. Next, you must be logged in (you can log in at the upper right-hand corner of the main forum page). Then you will be able to post or reply to any part of the forum. As to reading the posts, all you need to do is click on the individual subjects to see the posts and anyone can read the forum even without being logged in.
As a member of both ClayArt and this forum, I can tell you that ClayArt also has members who feel it is difficult to use. As with all things new/different, it takes time to get used to change. ClayArt is an e-mail based program with literally thousands of messages incoming each day and unfortunately we do not have the webspace or transfer capacity to run a forum in that form, nor do we have enough people to staff such a project which requires full-time people to monitor the system daily. We want this to be a user friendly forum, but it will take time for everyone to get used to something new, so please be patient with us and don't give up on posting/replying/reading the forum. If you still have trouble, please let me know. Hope this helps...
Hi Jen,
Lana Wilson forwarded your address to me, so I know you were having problems posting/reading. Perhaps these few instructions might help...
In order to post to the forum, first you must be a registered member and it appears that you are now. Next, you must be logged in (you can log in at the upper right-hand corner of the main forum page). Then you will be able to post or reply to any part of the forum. As to reading the posts, all you need to do is click on the individual subjects to see the posts and anyone can read the forum even without being logged in.
As a member of both ClayArt and this forum, I can tell you that ClayArt also has members who feel it is difficult to use. As with all things new/different, it takes time to get used to change. ClayArt is an e-mail based program with literally thousands of messages incoming each day and unfortunately we do not have the webspace or transfer capacity to run a forum in that form, nor do we have enough people to staff such a project which requires full-time people to monitor the system daily. We want this to be a user friendly forum, but it will take time for everyone to get used to something new, so please be patient with us and don't give up on posting/replying/reading the forum. If you still have trouble, please let me know. Hope this helps...
Mud Mama's
Here is the URL for Mud Mama's www.mudmamasandpapas.com
I think in a previous post I spoke about the lecture I attend on being a mud mama. Well I thought I'd post the URL for those of you who would like to get on there and talk. ( I tried to log in today and post something but....me and computers don't always get along and understand each other so once again I'm going to have to consult my tec guy on what I'm doing wrong). I'll try to get that up here soon so you can check it out. I got an email from Lana Wilson saying they really needed some activity on it to get the forum up and going. It looked like they spent a lot of time putting together the web-site so I'd like to support it. So far since I've been back I've really been thinking about a quote by one of the mom's about having to move heaven and earth to get to NCECA. This terms hits home for me a lot. My family does so much for me so I can do what I love.
Today I was thinking about how I have to really think and prioritise what I do with my free time on the days all kids are gone for awhile. Today I had to run errands so one hour of my work time was lost. When I got in the house there where toys everywhere and dishes ect. but I focused and realised I needed this quiet time to work on my mailing list for the up coming show my group is having. I knew that the time I had left by myself would not be super productive in my studio and I needed to save that for the evening. I did get back in my studio this evening and started throwing. Of course I started with my favorite items.....mugs.
I found out last night that I got wait listed for the ACC show here in Charlotte. I felt pretty good about that even though I'm pretty down on the list. At least I got a foot in the door so to say and I'll keep trying. I have some other big shows I'm going to shot for so I'll cross my fingers for those as well.
I think in a previous post I spoke about the lecture I attend on being a mud mama. Well I thought I'd post the URL for those of you who would like to get on there and talk. ( I tried to log in today and post something but....me and computers don't always get along and understand each other so once again I'm going to have to consult my tec guy on what I'm doing wrong). I'll try to get that up here soon so you can check it out. I got an email from Lana Wilson saying they really needed some activity on it to get the forum up and going. It looked like they spent a lot of time putting together the web-site so I'd like to support it. So far since I've been back I've really been thinking about a quote by one of the mom's about having to move heaven and earth to get to NCECA. This terms hits home for me a lot. My family does so much for me so I can do what I love.
Today I was thinking about how I have to really think and prioritise what I do with my free time on the days all kids are gone for awhile. Today I had to run errands so one hour of my work time was lost. When I got in the house there where toys everywhere and dishes ect. but I focused and realised I needed this quiet time to work on my mailing list for the up coming show my group is having. I knew that the time I had left by myself would not be super productive in my studio and I needed to save that for the evening. I did get back in my studio this evening and started throwing. Of course I started with my favorite items.....mugs.
I found out last night that I got wait listed for the ACC show here in Charlotte. I felt pretty good about that even though I'm pretty down on the list. At least I got a foot in the door so to say and I'll keep trying. I have some other big shows I'm going to shot for so I'll cross my fingers for those as well.
Still more NCECA stuff

Here are some photo's of our show and the gallery. Hummmmmm what can I say about the show. Well, it was a real honor to have a show at NCECA. This is actually my second time of being in a show for NCECA so I guess I can feel pretty good about that. This time however I can't say I was to trilled with the way the gallery owner handled the show. I felt like we where kind of overlooked in a way. I do know that at least people that where at NCECA did come by and see the work, so that was good to know and we did have a good turn out for the opening. The thing that was lacking was the reason for why we did what we did. We had all written wonderful things about our influences and the gallery owner did not put this information anywhere for folks to read. So....I hate to complain, but its kind of been "itching" at the back of my brain since I've been back.
On a high note, look at the color of those walls! I loved my pots next to those walls!
Up close

Some of you wanted to see how the box turned out that I put on the blog when it was leather hard so here is a close up of it. I loved it when it turned out but of course now I'm critiquing it.......the judgment and jury never stops in my head especially after seeing so many wonderful pots at NCECA. I took a lot of photo's of great pots with my regular camera because I wanted some more slides to show my classes when I teach so now I regret I don't have any of those photo's to talk about on my blog.
As for the conference, I really didn't get to sit in on to many lectures and I'm not sure I missed much...but I'm sure I could of pick up some information of use. I did sit in on " Being a potter and a parent", which I of course loved. The beginning of the lecture was a sculpture who talked about coming to NCECA 4 years ago with her baby and sitting at the back of a lecture hall in tears because people kept turning around and looking at her every time her child made a noise. I totally could appreciate this feeling and when she spoke of this I almost felt sorry for all those successful women potters who don't have what we have. ( Not that those where the people giving the dirty looks). But for so long I've felt envious of these women and I'm sure on days when I don't see my pot in a magazine or I'm still not getting into big shows I'll feel this way again. But nothing was better than knowing when I got home I had three little people so excited to see me and that they are my biggest fans! One of my epiphanies was that maybe I will never make spectacular pots. Maybe its just not in me and I shouldn't beat myself up for not being able to get to that point. Maybe its ok to make marginal pots that sell, not to everyone but some people and maybe its ok that I'm a mom trying to do this just because it was what I choose in school and I love and it will pay some bills, cloths my children, give me another reason to get up in the morning and that is OK. You know, you can set your goals up so high that maybe they can't be reached and its not that you see the glass half empty, its just that you see it for how it is and do the best you can. I just don't see beating my ego up anymore and this trip, seeing all the shows and great work didn't work me up into a frenzy about my pots as it has in the past. No comparing my work to others, just enjoying what I saw and knowing I'm going to come home, keep working, keep entering shows and plugging along at the slow pace I do trying not to kill myself mentally for what I have no accomplished yet.
Boy...this is deep!
( Who am I kidding...I'll always want to be Lucy Rei!)....I wonder if she had kids?
Home again, Home again....you know the rest

Anyways...where to begin! Here are the items I ended up sending to our show. If I didn't explain before what the title of our show was it was "Circle of Eight-emerging artist and the People who have influenced them". We all thought it was a pretty good concept and we all wrote wonderful paragraphs on why we choose who we did.
My influence was Linda Christensen, who is from Minnesota and makes woodfired pots. I met Linda back in grad school when she came to ECU as a visiting artist. Linda and I make totally different pots and I can't say we have the same sort of personality either. I guess this is why I just love her so much. She was the first potter who I felt like didn't take what she did so seriously and was able to say she just enjoys throwing and may not do it the right way, but its her way of doing it. She was so giving to everyone at the school and in critiques.She never made anyone feel like there work was horrible or insignificant. She is someone that keeps her opions to herself but encourages what you are trying to do. I also took a workshop at Arrowmount with her last summer because I felt like I needed a connection and some answers from another female potter that was a mom ( which Linda is). She once again listened to everything I had to say and really answered my questioned about how to get ahead in this business while trying to be a mom and a women. She also did'nt sugar coat it for me or say it was easy. She admited that it alot of luck and very hard work...which I'm learning. So....that is why Linda's simple, wood fired pot is up near my very active, busy low fired work!
Off to NCECA
Family Time
This weekend Joey took McKenna to Raleigh to visit his mom and it also gave him time to see his friends and go to see that new movie 300, which I'm sure is something I wouldn't be to interested in. He said it was great and I know he likes to see his mom and make sure she is doing Ok. We've been trying to rotate the kids when we go on short trips. This time it was McKenna's turn. At the moment she is the most difficult to deal with so I think this was very good for her to be away from her siblings. Joey said she was great on the trip and Quaid and Aydan did great here with me as well. Having two kids was SUCH a breeze for me this weekend!! I took the kids to Discovery Place in downtown Charlotte and then for a little dinner out at Cracker Barrel~Quaid favorite restaurant.( Of course he likes it because you walk in and its like a toy store before you can sit down to eat! How clever of Cracker Barrel.) Than we had a slumber party at night and watched Star Wars with a big bowl of popcorn. The house stayed a mess and I just lounged around with the kids. Sunday Joey and Mckenna came home and we had a big pasta feast at my folks with my 97 year old grandmother. ( My dad is Italian so pasta and sauce has always been an important part of Sunday meals.)
I thought maybe last night I would go clean my studio but with the time change and all I got myself in bed by 10, which is very rare for me...and I needed it. Quaid is on spring break this week so this morning we are basically back to normal. The girls are fighting over a toy, Quaid is running around and teasing his sisters whenever he can get a gab in and I'm doing a mound of laundry.
This evening I'm going before the York town board with my kiln proposal to get approval. The secretary at the planning department told me last week that I may have to wait another month because they may have to talk to the zoning board. ( I really did not like the sound of that!) I'm anxious to get going on this project and not wait till the last minute. I have till September to build the kiln but since I'm seems to fly by in my life so fast I know I have got to get going!
I thought maybe last night I would go clean my studio but with the time change and all I got myself in bed by 10, which is very rare for me...and I needed it. Quaid is on spring break this week so this morning we are basically back to normal. The girls are fighting over a toy, Quaid is running around and teasing his sisters whenever he can get a gab in and I'm doing a mound of laundry.
This evening I'm going before the York town board with my kiln proposal to get approval. The secretary at the planning department told me last week that I may have to wait another month because they may have to talk to the zoning board. ( I really did not like the sound of that!) I'm anxious to get going on this project and not wait till the last minute. I have till September to build the kiln but since I'm seems to fly by in my life so fast I know I have got to get going!
Pots On A Towel

I said in the last post that I ran out of batteries to take photo's of the pots that went to NCECA but when I did finally get some batteries, I think I should of photographed them on something better!
My firing

I forgot when I last posted because the week has been a bluer. It is Saturday and I spent the whole day just enjoying it with my children, but I'll get to that later.
My kiln load....where to begin. I had one of those events as a potter that you hate but have to make the best out of. Here were my issues:
1.I mixed up new batches of glaze and my amber went on some of the pieces kind of thin...which is a look I really don't like for my pots, so those where out.
2. Two of my teapots had sprouts that twisted just a bit so those where out. ( I had thrown these differently than I normally do so I won't do that again!)
3. Some pieces for an odd reason did this strange explosion in the glaze kiln. Not the kind where the clay just pops off everywhere but it made these areas that kind of "feathered outwards". It was something I have never seen before and the only thing I can think of is that there was a rock or some type of imperfection in the clay.( Of course these where two big pots...waste of clay and soooooooo much time) All of it comes from Highwater, out of the bag so...........................I'm not the first person that has had clay issues and I won't be the last. It just happens.
So, the quandary of all this was to come up with 3 pots for the show. Of course my favorites had issues. Pots that I spent hours on.....just did not come out. I had a great box with a stuck lib that luckily a friend of mine was able to bang off. I had 3 good teapots, 5 good egg cups, some vases, some bowls( that where special orders and filled the kiln) and one huge flower block that I was super proud of but had two small cracks in very noticeable areas. I have to admit my heart sank at the thought that I didn't have a great selection to choose from for the show but I had to make due with what I had. So, I sent the box, 6 egg cups( that are new for me and after seeing them I have one big design flaw that is going to keep speaking to me the entire time I'm at the opening.
" Psst...Jen, hey, we have this small hole in the cup part you need to cover up!" "Jen...yeah hey get away from the food, are you listening? Everyone is looking at this hole we all have!"
( Ok, don't worry I'm not hearing things, this is just how my mind works some days) I threw these in one part and there was no place for air to escape so I poked a hole in the center thinking it would shirk up. Not so...next time I'll know!
The last pot I sent was my favorite teapot and two tea bowls to go with them. I did try to take photo's of these pieces but I was in such a hurry to pack them and ship them that I my batteries ran out so..................
I tend to be very hard on myself when it comes to my expectations. I had so much to do this week at one point one night I was up to late telling myself I still had more things to do and just keep going. Then I looked at myself in the mirror and saw the blood shot eyes and thought "YIKES" get to bed and lay off your self! I'm trying to work on this;giving myself a break from thinking I need to do it all and just tell myself that I'm doing the best I can. Maybe everything doesn't always come out great or go the way I want it to but that is Ok because I'll just try again. This is something I tell my students over and over again. If a pots just ...well dies in some way or another where you wreck trying to fix the rim, trim through the foot or glaze it some horrible combination. It will be ok because the next one will be that much better. I'll have to remember this when my eggs cups are talking to me at the opening and I'm seeing a gold halo around everyone else's work but my own.
A state of calm today
Yesturday was a crazy day as I knew it would be. The day before was'nt any picnic either now that I think about it! I'm happy to report at 12:30 last night the kiln got loaded and begun its decant into "glory" we can only hope. I had started glazeing the night before and I took a very long time with each piece so hopefully my runny glazes will not stick on any pots. I did soak the kiln this morning because lately I've been getting these small bubbles at points on my sprigs that I'm sure are popping at the end of fireing and don't have time to smooth out before the kiln shuts off and starts cooling down. We'll see if this works or not. I have'nt soaked my kilns in long time ..mostly because it always turns off when I'm asleep and I've gotten sooooooooooo lazy with this electric kiln. That will all have to change when I go back to the Soda kiln! I think I should of made a kiln god just in case- alot is riding on this kiln load!ahhhhhhhhhh
So many things I've wanted to blog about besides pots lately but when I think about something it escapes my brain when I finally get on here to post something.
Today I'm in a state of calm. Yesturday before starting to glaze at 8pm I basically spent the whole day in the car running from teaching, to pick up my girls than to pick up Quaid than back in the car with 4 kids for an hours drive to a birthday party and back home again at 7. Somedays I relise how lucky I am to not get in a car wreck dealing with all the caos that goes on while I"m trying to get kids from point A to point B. Bus drivers should make the amount doctors do!
I've got to go pull all my kids old cloths and stuff for "The twin sale" I spoke of in the last blog. It is the best thing closest to a sale at Target on something. I'm able to cloths my children, get some books and a few toys for a very low price...its a consignment sale with very nice stuff. So I make money and spend a little as well. Its kind of a crazy thing because you have to get a lottery number before you can shop and of course the women go running in and just start grabbing at what things they want. I admit, I too have a system down so I can get what I came for and not hurt anyone in the process.
I will unload the kiln in the morning so I'll get some photo's> Have a great and relaxing day!
So many things I've wanted to blog about besides pots lately but when I think about something it escapes my brain when I finally get on here to post something.
Today I'm in a state of calm. Yesturday before starting to glaze at 8pm I basically spent the whole day in the car running from teaching, to pick up my girls than to pick up Quaid than back in the car with 4 kids for an hours drive to a birthday party and back home again at 7. Somedays I relise how lucky I am to not get in a car wreck dealing with all the caos that goes on while I"m trying to get kids from point A to point B. Bus drivers should make the amount doctors do!
I've got to go pull all my kids old cloths and stuff for "The twin sale" I spoke of in the last blog. It is the best thing closest to a sale at Target on something. I'm able to cloths my children, get some books and a few toys for a very low price...its a consignment sale with very nice stuff. So I make money and spend a little as well. Its kind of a crazy thing because you have to get a lottery number before you can shop and of course the women go running in and just start grabbing at what things they want. I admit, I too have a system down so I can get what I came for and not hurt anyone in the process.
I will unload the kiln in the morning so I'll get some photo's> Have a great and relaxing day!

Here are some teapots, I think I scaled down a bit on the decortion than I had with the other things. I'm curious to see how the light carving comes through the glaze..if at all. I'm running out the door to take the girls to the dentist so I'll write more later. Busy week, I've got these pots fire and send out, make-up classes, birthday parties to 'Taxi' too and the twin sale( NO...I'm not selling the twins! I'll elaborate later) Anyways, busy week, I hope I'll be able to post some thoughts!

Obviously the elf I ordered did not come in time!
Also, the one on the right fell to his death on the way out to the kiln so I guess he was not happy with the "undergarment" I choose for him. ( Glaze being his cloths).
I always think of my pieces as being little creatures. And no, I'm not ready for the funny farm yet. I just mean what goes from my head to my hands when I'm making something turns out to have some kind of "creature" quality to it.
Ok, Ok, its late...I need some sleep.
Back to writing
I have no idea why I have not gotten on here to post anything this week. Maybe nothing struck me as being to exciting going on. I'm just finishing up things for NCECA. I'm so nervous about how its all going to turn out. Last night I was still trying to make somethings and I thought"are you crazy"???So I stopped and kept to task of the pots I have done. Now for the decorating.We'll see if I can hold back. Wouldn't it be great if you could rent a little fairy or Elf to sit with you when you really need someone to stop you from doing something that you can't seem to control yourself? Boy, if you could rent something like that I would have an enormous bill at the "Rent your own Elf" shop. I would have to use him for not eating certain things, getting myself to the gym more often, driving faster than I should and of course not over decorating my pots. You could walk in the pick and choose from all different elf categories. There they would be just sitting on one big shelving unit. I would have to find one with a design background and than another one who was a personal trainer and dietitian. Ok...........I'll get out of Jen Dream world.
Oh, there was something exciting that happened this week. The gas guy came out to give me an estimate on my gas line. He had a lot of questions about the BTU's which threw me off. I need to really read my kiln book because I forget all that and I'm sure the more kilns you build the more you can retain that information. Anyways, its going to be around $600. I think I will also get a pro-pane estimate as well just to see the difference in the two. I've only fired with propane once at Penland( years ago) and I'm a little more worried about that since you can't smell it if you have a leak. The idea of putting something that can blow-up in my back yard does scare the crap out of me but thank goodness for safety devices for burners!
Oh, there was something exciting that happened this week. The gas guy came out to give me an estimate on my gas line. He had a lot of questions about the BTU's which threw me off. I need to really read my kiln book because I forget all that and I'm sure the more kilns you build the more you can retain that information. Anyways, its going to be around $600. I think I will also get a pro-pane estimate as well just to see the difference in the two. I've only fired with propane once at Penland( years ago) and I'm a little more worried about that since you can't smell it if you have a leak. The idea of putting something that can blow-up in my back yard does scare the crap out of me but thank goodness for safety devices for burners!
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