I'm not sure I'm really on summer vacation

A teacher from Quaid's school emailed me today about something and talked about how much she was enjoying tutoring this summer and just laying around and will be ready to get back in the swing of things come August. After reading this I thought about how the last two weeks I've felt more worn out than when school was going on. I guess trying to keep all the kids happy and active this summer is really more work than running everyone around during the school year.
Every night this week I have barley made it out to work before 8:30, some night at 9 and I'm so tired I have just been able to do a few things and than I've got to get myself to bed. I've also had a lot of my mind with my kiln , which as you know stress can really wear you out. This week my slab was suppose to get poured but the contractor next door kept confusing me about what I needed for my kiln to sit on,not to mention what was going on in my back yard with the water, soil and location. I'm stressed because I just really need to get going on this things and I don't like having to wait when I'm ready to get started on something.
I finally made the decision also to buy the soft brick kiln from my friend Ann and try to convert it to salt the best way I can. She is selling it for such a deal and when I considered the amount for new bricks and iron work, I just decided I needed to make this kiln work for me the best way I can. We have more important financial issues and spending money we don't have on a kiln, is not high on the list. Its all about my business making money, not losing or spending more money. As for coating the soft bricks, well that is still up in the air. I've spoken to a few people about it and next week I'll make more calls. I want to make sure I get all the information I can before making a decision on that part as well. I know it can be done, I've just got to find the best way to do it. See....lots of thinking and decision making can really tax the body so between summer fun, kiln thoughts, pottery making and everything else, this week has worn me out! I"ll be happy for the weekend and a fresh start next week!
As always, Joey has been right there helping out as much as he can. I even got him to watch a video on building a kiln this week and I think he's finally on board for getting this done with me. ( Really he just likes to makes comments about how all male potters like to wear funny hats and wear sandals). I came home tonight from the grocery store and like every night he was getting the girls to bed. Those two can really charm the pants off there Dad. Doesn't he looked thrilled dressed up for a tea-party? I swear those two little inmates run this insane asylum.
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