
D Day

Tomorrow is the start back to our normal world; if you can call it that. No more late mornings, lavish dinners ( well...maybe some) or several days of family togetherness. Its up at 6:15am and I'm off and running. Today the Circle folks met for an agenda meeting that was time well spent and I spent the rest of my day getting my calendar set for my new group of Art History students. Tomorrow I plan on making clay and making some mugs I hope. Here's a twist....I'm not going to be pugging porcelain this month but rather a bit or stoneware. Surprise! I'll talk more about that this week. Right now I need to get back to Art History and than off to bed. ( I think I may grease up my running shoes...)


Linda Starr said...

Looking forward to seeing what comes of the stoneware.

Becky said...

Stoneware, really? I'm staying tuned. :)