
Cake Stands and Such

I'm really up to late to be blogging but sometimes I get on this computer late at night to check my emails and I get caught up looking up things.

I love how the glaze drips off these plates...cake would have to taste better!

I enjoy the birds on this one.

This evening it was Cake Stands. I was looking at what sort of things I've been making lately and thought it was time to try my hand at a cake stand. Its sort of on the same track as my compotes so I'm excited to try this. Here are just a few commercially made fun examples.

I've been able to work pretty steadily this holiday weekend between trips up to sit with my grandmother. Keeping busy this week and having everyone home has been a good deterrent for my thoughts. Having my senses experience the ending of a life and listening to my kids laugh and enjoy each other and their Dad had been so sobering and thought provoking.

Its been pretty rainy and muggy here in the south so I'm focusing on making my bigger items this weekend and waiting for the smaller stuff towards the end of this week. My tests will have to be put on hold until I get this batch of pots made.
The gremlins have the camera. I have a feeling I'm going to find this week buried under some stuffed animals.


Kip said...

oooh, I love cake stands (and cake)! I think the way you work will translate into some fantastic cake stands... I've tried a few myself, but always seem to have trouble with slumping. These images make me want to give it a go again though! Who made the drippy stands? Those are lovely...

Jen Mecca said...

Hi Kip...here is the website for those cake stands. They are so cool.....

jim gottuso said...

totally cool drippy glazes... i wonder how their kiln shelves are?

amy said...

Wow Jen. That cake stand site was simply luscious! I even liked the playful music in the background.

Becky said...

Well you know that bird cake stand mesmerized me. Thanks for giving me some new ideas!
Gremlins with cameras can be a very good thing. New viewpoints from 'neath les animaux stuffed. :)

jeanette said...

Holy geez! The Clara French stands are truly amazing.