

This is a foreign word to me although I really do like the sound of it. We have stuff all around every living corner of our home, shed, yard, car...you name it. I always think this must be because I am so busy with everything else but truthfully I'm sure its my lack on staying on one task at a time. I"m like a humming bird and can not stick to anything for a long period of time ( I hate to clean but I like a clean house) This is a conundrum...(That is such a great word.)
I have to be proud of the fact that I can stay on a schedule with the kids and my work but keeping everything organized has not factored in with that yet in our lives.
So........ going to the store and getting bins to organize all my raw materials this weekend was such an accomplishment. Its so nice not see little bags all around and having to search for ingredients that I think I have but can't find.

The end result was making tests in a short amount of time and Joey even put up a new shelf for me where all my new accent glaze colors can rest.


Anonymous said...

funny, i have the same conundrum

Jen Mecca said...

I spend my life in a conundrum but that's what it takes to daydream I guess!

amy said...

yea Jen! You go girl.

Tracey Broome said...

three kids + organization= ?
the math doesn't add up! There are only three of us in my family and it's a full time job staying organized. I DO like that word conundrum, I so rarely use it although I seem to stay in that state quite a bit! You're making we want to get in my studio and straighten up.

Judi Tavill said...

CONUNDRUM is my life and probably why I drink so much of the fabulou california table wine that bears that name!
I totally get it.

Jen Mecca said...

Joey will love to know that there is a wine called Conundrum.

Maybe I'll have to start a new game " word of the week" by Jen Mecca

Becky said...

Personally I prefer conundrum over organization. Asi excel at the first and bite at the last. There's a wine called Conundrum? Do they sell it in the Carolinas? ;>

Ron said...

Looks good.